Rapid prototyping for everyone! Making personal fabrication more accessible Lyn Turbak Computer Science Department Wellesley College Summer Science Research Talk June 21, 2011
Rapid Wellesley Laser cutter Desktop vinyl cutter 3D printer CNC mill
Engineering studio (SCI L024)
Laser cutter
EXTD160: Bottle Openers
EXTD160: Birds
EXTD160: “Walking” Robots
3D printing
Personal fabrication MakerBot Thing-O-Matic kit: $1300; assembled: $2500 Silhouette vinyl cutter: $200
MakerBot & Thingiverse.com wed-june bre-pettis
MakerBot vs. Stratasys Dimension 1200es
Natalie Levinson ‘09 project
Ran Tao ‘09 project
Ali Crank ‘11 project
Some of my projects Anniversary presents Pepper grinder
Turtleblocks Chelsea Hoover ‘11
Rose window project
Making things easier Nichole Burton ’13 & Smaranda Sandu ’14) What do you want to make?
Other projects Mary Benn ‘14 and Olivia Kotsopolous ‘14Nora McKinnell ‘14 Tandora web-based Tanner Conference scheduler: Nora and Olivia App Inventor Community Gallery: Mary