Typical Results of SPT N‑Values for Fill FIG_14A.jpg
Statistical Summary of SPT N‑Values for Fill FIG_15.jpg
Typical Gradations of Fill FIG_16.jpg
Results of In-Situ Permeability Tests Performed in Standpipe Piezometers FIG_17.jpg
Index Properties of Bay Mud Islais Creek Channel Area (Digesters Project) FIG_21.jpg
Index Properties of Bay Mud DTX Segment Along Townsend Street (Mission Bay Area) FIG_22.jpg
SHANSEP Principles of Normalized Undrained Strength Behavior FIG_25.jpg
Anisotropy and Strain Compatibility Considerations FIG_30.jpg
Excess Pore Pressures from Ko-Triaxial Compression Tests: OC Soil FIG_28A.jpg
Pore Pressure Behavior from Ko-Triaxial Compression Tests: NC Soil FIG_28.jpg
Effective Stress Paths from Ko-Triaxial Compression Tests FIG_29.jpg
Undrained Shear Strengths from Vane Shear Tests DTX Alignment Along Townsend Street FIG_35.jpg
Undrained Shear Strengths from Vane Shear Tests Islais Creek Area Along Davidson Street FIG_36.jpg
Stress History and Undrained Strengths from Vane Shear Islais Creek (Contract C) FIG_37.jpg
Vane Shear Strengths and Excavation Deformations Rankin Pump Station Site – Islais Creek Estuary FIG_37A.jpg
Undrained Shear Strengths from Vane Shear and Torvane Tests: Hamilton Field (Deep Mud Area) FIG_38.jpg
Stress History and Undrained Vane Shear Strengths of Organic Bay Mud at a Recently Reclaimed Site FIG_40.jpg
Variations in Undrained Shear Strengths Between Offshore and Onshore Sites FIG_41.jpg
Field Vane Tests: Inner Marshlands of Islais Creek Shallow Mud (Contract C Site) FIG_42.jpg
Comparison of Field Vane Shear Strength with Geotechnical Report Recommendations FIG_43.jpg
Vane Shear Strength Inner Marshlands at Islais Creek – Contract C Near McKinnon Street (Deeper Mud) FIG_44.jpg
Maximum Past Pressures Estimated from Vane Shear Tests: Mission Bay Along Townsend Street FIG_49.jpg
Estimation of Maximum Past Pressures from Vane Shear Tests Hamilton Field Site: Shallow Mud Area Under Existing Levees FIG_50.jpg
Undrained Shear Strenghts from Vane Shear Tests Muni Metro East Side FIG_52A.jpg
Estimation of Maximum Past Pressures from Vane Shear Tests: Transbay Terminal Site FIG_53.jpg
Comparison of Undrained Shear Strengths from Vane Shear and UU Tests: Islais Creek Contract C FIG_54A.jpg
Undrained Strengths from Vane Shear, UU, and Torvane Tests: Digesters Site – Islais Creek Estuary FIG_55.jpg
Normalized Undrained Modulus from DSS Tests Normally Consolidated Bay Mud FIG_56.jpg
Variation of Compression Ratio with Moisture Content North Bay Site FIG_60.jpg
Variation of Recompression Ratio with Moisture Content FIG_61.jpg
Post-Construction Settlements at a Preloaded Site North Bay Site FIG_64.jpg
Asaoka Method for Estimation of Coefficients of Consolidation and End of Primary Consolidation FIG_65.jpg
Estimates of Coefficients of Horizontal Consolidation Using the Asaoka Method (Jamialkowski, et al., 1995) FIG_66.jpg
Variation of Ch with Drain Spacing FIG_67.jpg
Variation of Coefficients of Secondary Consolidation with Consolidation Stress FIG_68.jpg
Variation of Coefficient of Secondary Consolidation with Moisture Content FIG_69.jpg
Variation of C with Moisture Content FIG_70.jpg
Long-Term Settlements at Mission and Howard Streets FIG_71.jpg
Extrapolation of Settlement Data at Mission Street Secondary Compression FIG_72.jpg
Estimation of Coefficients of Secondary Consolidation from Long-Term Settlement Data FIG_73.jpg
Estimation of Coefficients of Secondary Consolidation from Settlement Data FIG_74.jpg
Effects of Surcharge on Secondary Compression (Ladd, 1989) FIG_75.jpg
Reduction of Coefficient of Secondary Consolidation Due to Surcharge (Ladd, 1989) FIG_76.jpg
Typical Results of CPT Tests in Bay Mud FIG_45.jpg
Correlation of Undrained Strengths from CPT and Vane Shear Tests: Hamilton Field Site FIG_46.jpg
Correlation of Undrained Strengths from CPT and Vane Shear Tests: Mission Bay Site Along Townsend Street FIG_47.jpg
Moisture Content and Dry Density of the Fill Muni Metro Turnback Site
Summary of Drained Shear Tests on the Fill
Hyperbolic Representation of a Stress-Strain Curve
Hyperbolic Stress-Strain Parameters for the Fill from CIDTC Tests