DOCUMENT #:GSC15-GRSC8-14 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:Radio Microphone Task Force AGENDA ITEM:GRSC8 7.2 CONTACT(S):Brian Copsey, Task Force Convenor Radio.


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Presentation transcript:

DOCUMENT #:GSC15-GRSC8-14 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:Radio Microphone Task Force AGENDA ITEM:GRSC8 7.2 CONTACT(S):Brian Copsey, Task Force Convenor Radio Microphone Task Force Report Convenor: Brian Copsey Presenter: Gabrielle Owen, TC ERM Chair Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15

Radio microphone Task Force  The last year has been dominated by the issues raised within Europe by the reallocation of MHz band, previously part of the television spectrum MHz band to Mobile Fixed Communication Networks (MFCN).  This will result in large amounts of spectrum being lost for radio microphone use. Due both to MFCN’s and compacting of the TV channels below 790MHZ. 2

Other victims of MFCN’s;  Within Europe the Mhz band is used by radio microphones and a range of cordless audio devices, these will also be badly impacted.  Annex A1 to this Report provides information on a limited number of immunity tests (see annex G).  Whilst not the subject of this Task Force many television delivery platforms will also be impacted. Results of various immunity testing by Administrations and Industry can be found at: 3

European Response  A Specialist Task Force was set up within ETSI to investigate Cognitive-PMSE (Program Making and Special Events). A separate document provides more detail on this topic.  Further to the work of the ETSI-CENELEC JWG consideration of appropriate immunity standards will take place. 4

Other Issues  The ETSI standard EN covers both radio microphone’s and Assistive Listing Devices (ALD).  In recent years ALD’s have progressed from simple FM systems mainly used within schools to sophisticated ear to ear devices. ETSI are in the process of revising EN with appropriate test methods for them.  Copies of the standard will appear in the Task Force docbox at: 5

Next Steps/Actions  Please consider renewing the radio microphone resolution  Would any members wishing further information or to be involved in the work please contact:  Brian Copsey.   Thank you for your attention 6