ENVIRONMENTAL ACOUSTIC RESEARCH (EAR) – Objectives long-term (> years) monitoring of tropical acoustic diversity to (1) estimate and track extreme terrestrial acoustic diversity (2) assess acoustic variations within and between years (3) correlate acoustics variations with global changes
. temporal and spatial acoustic heterogeniety assess with acoustic indices on a 3D audio sampling of the tropical forest. automatic tracking of the singing activity of a focal species, the bird Lipaugus vociferans ENVIRONMENTAL ACOUSTIC RESEARCH (EAR) – Results
French Guiana, Nouragues CNRS research station December 2014, Field work by MNHN 9 recording sites in harsh environment ENVIRONMENTAL ACOUSTIC RESEARCH (EAR) – big audio data collection
4 habitats understory (1.5m) and canopy (25m) microphones 16 weather dataloggers recording during 3 minutes every 30 minutes high forest low forest rock savannah swamp forest ENVIRONMENTAL ACOUSTIC RESEARCH (EAR) – big audio data collection
Acoustic diversity indices (H, ACI, AR, Df, etc) – MNHN Wavelet analysis – LSIS Spectrogram imare ROIs (sensu Potamitis) ENVIRONMENTAL ACOUSTIC RESEARCH (EAR) – sound decomposition