October 8-9, 2013 I can revise a text in order to create cohesive meaning. (BR) I can break down words based on their meanings, prefixes, roots, suffixes. (Vocabulary) I can differentiate between common and proper nouns. I can create singular to plural nouns. (Grammar) I can analyze the poem “My Father in the Navy” in order to interpret it’s meaning, literary devices, tone, narration, and diction. (Annotation)
ACT Bell Ringer I can revise a text in order to create cohesive meaning. Read the questions and all the answer options. Read the passage carefully. Answer questions on your bell ringer sheet AND explain why you chose that answer. Place this under the bell ringer section in your binder.
Number 51 Japanese traditions were dominated by group values, and notions of personal freedom and individual rights being unfamiliar. A. No change B. were C. was D. are
Answer B) The comma and the word and signals that the last half of the sentence must be a clause. The original, however, contains no main verb. B supplies a main verb in the right tense that also agrees in number with its subject notions. Verbs Verb Tense Subject/Verb agreement Parallelism
Number 52 Today, the triumph of democratic processes is evident in the widespread participation of the Japanese in social and political life. F. No change G. (Do NOT begin a new paragraph) Today the triumph, of H. (Begin a new paragraph) Today, the triumph, of J. (Do NOT begin a new paragraph) Today, owing to the fact that
Answer F) The original is correct. This is the proper place at which to begin a new paragraph, since the author is shifting from talking about the past to a discussion of the present. Paragraph structure Punctuation
Vocabulary I can break down words based on their meaning, roots, prefixes, suffixes, etc. We will take an in-depth look at some very important vocabulary words. Please look at the model provided. Work with a partner to fill out your vocabulary sheet for the word: epilogue.
Grammar-Common and Proper Nouns I can differentiate between common and proper nouns. There are 2 main classes of nouns: common and proper. A common noun names any one of a class of objects. Example: man, town, flower A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing. It begins with a capital letter. Example: Miss Paxtel, Miami, Hoover Dam Write the common nouns for the first set, and proper nouns for the second set, on your own paper.
Singular/Plural Nouns I can create singular/plural nouns. Change singular nouns into plural nouns. Use the chart to decide how to make the noun plural. Write the plural noun for each 1-43, on your own paper.
Review/New I can analyze the poem, My Father in the Navy, in order to interpret it’s meaning, literary devices, tone, narration, and diction. Take a look at the next power point. Review literary devices and find out what is tone. modules/locker/files/get_group_file.phtml?gid = &fid=
Father in the Navy I can analyze the poem, My Father in the Navy, in order to interpret it’s meaning, literary devices, tone, narration, and diction. Follow along as we read the poem. Annotate the poem using TP-CASTT, with a partner. This means it should be level 1 noise level –only your partner should be able to hear you. Pay close attention to “tone”,“narration” and “diction”. Answer the questions on your own paper. TONE- how the author feels about the subject of the writing. Examine diction -the authors word choice. NARRATION- Who is the speaker and how do we know? What is the relationship between narrator and subject? How do we know?
A Rose and a thorn Exit Slip On the back of your poem… Name one thing from today’s lesson you feel confident about (the rose) Name one thing from today’s lesson you feel you need more explanation on (the thorn).