Welcome to Differential Calculus Mrs. Rolyne Butler Semester Two
Course Outline Although the course is not required for entrance to post secondary programs such as sciences, computer science, engineering and so on, it is highly advisable to ensure preparedness for the rigors of university math. We will cover the following units Review of Limits and Rates of Change Derivatives Applications of Derivatives (3 chapters) Derivatives of Trigonometric and Inverse Trig Functions Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Antiderivatives and the Indefinite Integral Mark Breakdown: Classwork (HW quizzes, quizzes, tests)70 % Final Exam30 % Homework will be regularly assigned and there will be homework quizzes (some surprise quizzes). I am available for extra help at lunchtimes (except when I am on duty), before school and after school (except Thursdays). We also have a peer tutoring program that will start up soon.
Mrs. Butler’s Contact Info Home telephone until 11 pm is I teach Thursday nights so I won’t be home then is After a week or so, notes will be available on Notes will be available for the first week or so on
Student Information To be passed in on a sheet of looseleaf. Student Name Student Number Student Age as of January 28, 2009 Date of Birth Student Home Address and Telephone Number Name, Work Telephone, Place/Time of Work of Mom, Dad or Guardian Name of Last Math Course Taken, Name of Last Math Teacher, Mark Earned on Last Math Course Locker Number (only for Homeroom) Combination Lock (only for Homeroom) Semester Two Schedule: Period, Course Name, Teacher Name Textbook Name and Textbook Number 3 Paragraphs of at Least 4 Sentences on each of the following: What do you do after school (besides math homework) Feelings About School and Math Plans After High School
Precalculus Limits Calculus DifferentialIntegral
Who invented Calculus? Leibniz published his findings on Calculus first Newton went ballistic Newton was a secretive, somewhat paranoid sort. Most History of Math texts seem to believe it was Newton who first worked on calculus concepts
What the heck is Calculus? Calculus is the study of how things change Differential calculus enables us to find, for a given function, its rate of change function For example, the rate of change for velocity with respect to time is acceleration Integral calculus is the opposite of differential calculus Calculus solves problems that cannot be dealt with in regular math, because in so many cases, quantities are constantly changing at different rates Life is not linear!! Whoever heard of a car that goes at a constant rate of 110 km/h from here to Moncton?
Unit 1 – Review of Limits The limit of a function as x approaches a constant, c, is the value that the function approaches as x approaches c. It is denoted as