Prof. Marika Basheska – Gjorgjieska
To develop the structure, curriculum and modalities of the Doctoral programme harmonised with the EU standards. To develop new teaching methodologies including the distance learning tools; To enforce business community involvement in both curriculum development and research activities;
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Italy (UNIBO) – Applicant, coordinator University "St.Kliment Ohridski" Bitola, Republic of Macedonia (UKLO) – Partner, Regional coordinator Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain (UAB) – Partner University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, France (UNSA) – Partner South East European University, Republic of Macedonia (SEEU) University of Tirana, Albania (UT) – Partner Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania (AUT) – Partner Dardania University, Kosovo (DU) – Partner Seavus dooel Skopje, Republic of Macedonia (SEAVUS) Agency for Promotion and Support of theEntrepreneurship of the Republic of Macedonia (APPRM) – Partner Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, Macedonia (MCC) Albanian Confederation, Albania (Konfindustria) – Partner
The main goal of this study programme is acquiring superior knowledge and original research of the doctoral students in the fields of entrepreneurship and SME management. This PhD programme stimulate the personal qualities such as creativeness, initiative, responsibility and independence of the young researchers Competencies ◦ Knowledge and understanding ◦ Application of the knowledge and understanding ◦ Judgement ability ◦ Communication skills ◦ Learning skills
First year First Semester Compulsory courses ESMP 3101 Entrepreneurship and SME Management 15 ECTS ESMP 3102 Research Methodology for Social Sciences 8 ECTS ESMP 3103 Research Techniques in Social Sciences 7 ECTS Second Semester Elective courses – 3 out of 6 ESMP 3211 SMEs Growing and Internationalisation 8 ECTS ESMP 3212 The Role of SMEs in Networks and Clusters 8 ECTS ESMP 3213 Venture Capital 8 ECTS ESMP 3214 Digital Business Model 8 ECTS ESMP 3215 Small Business Marketing Strategies 8 ECTS ESMP 3216 Human Resources Management 8 ECTS Compulsory ESMP 3201 Skills for Scientific Writing 3 ECTS ESMP 3202 Seminar – teaching methods 3 ECTS
Second year Third seme ster Pilot Research Work 10 ECTS Two published articles8 ECTS International mobility4 ECTS ESMP 3301 Preparing the thesis proposal 8 ECTS Forth seme ster Submission and defence of the thesis proposal Research and preparing the doctoral dissertation 5 ECTS 25 ECTS Third year Fifth seme ster Research and preparing the doctoral dissertation 60 ECTS Sixth seme ster Research and preparing the doctoral dissertation Public Defence
Interactive teaching methods Case study Doctoral Seminars Simulimpresa Business sector representatives involved in the programme E-learning/distance learning
The lectures were realised using the contemporary interactive teaching methods through 6 weeks intensive joint lectures and 3 weeks on-line lectures of both professors – one from EU university and one professor from WB University on each course/seminar.
Partnerships Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Cooperative Learning Groups Speed "Dating" in the Classroom Quizdom – Electronic Interactive System
the case-based approach as useful method for developing transferable skills. Key skills embedded into case studies include: ◦ Group working ◦ Individual study skills ◦ Information gathering and analysis ◦ Time management ◦ Presentation skills ◦ Practical skills
Besides the ordinary classes, the PhD students had the opportunity to participate to the Videoconference lecture given by prof. Srecko Deviak from the University of Ljubljana The topic: "New EU project for new study programs in the field Management and Law in public and private sector." The videoconference was organized by prof. Bianchi, Bologna University. Many other videoconferencing lectures with professors from Spain and France
Doctoral seminars in the framework of the courses Courses as seminars Seminars with business community
During the semesters of lecturing it was organized for PhD students to attend lectures given by the representatives of APPRM -Agency for Promotion of Entrepreneurship of the Republic Of Macedonia, CCM -Macedonian Chambers of Commerce and Seavus on the following topics: ◦ Representative from APPRM had a presentation on GOVERNMENTAL SUPPORT OF THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION ◦ Representative from CCM had a presentation on Macedonia and research opportunities ◦ Representative from Seavus Company on support of business sector to the researchers
supporter of the PhD Candidates in their Research Enforces the business community in supporting the research activities of the doctoral candidates. facilitator of the cooperation between the business and university The main aim of the establishment of the Body (consisted of the representatives from the both sides) is in providing the further cooperation between universities and companies.
workshops with the business community – providing the support to the students for their future research Workshop:business community, PhD students first and second generation onTopic: the problems and opportunities that business community are facing with Meeting between representatives of SMEs from Pelagonia region and representatives of universities from Bitola and Bologna.The meeting was held at the Faculty of Economics in Prilep and attended by the PhD students
The Doctoral programme has the opportunity to use the e-learning system at the Faculty of economics in Prilep. Using the software package Moodle as e- learning platform that provides two basic concepts such as delivery of learning activities and publishing of resources. Professors uploaded the necessity materials for the courses and easily communicated with the students.
Small and large learning communities Schools and enterprises Different learning and teaching styles Delivery of learning activities Publishing of resources Collaboration and communication Compatibility with different standards and tools Easy customization
Over learning communities Over 9 million users In over 200 countries In almost 80 languages
The Laboratory of Simulated Enterprise simulation of enterprises in the educational system EcoSweet virtual company – in the network of the world virtual companies A great support of the Simulimpresa – Forli
The connection with the Simulimpresa Laboratory of Forlì presentation of Laura Tampieri, PhD (UNIBO) Virtual Reality: The technological frontier in teaching methods - the experience of Bologna University – Forlì. The participants were deeply introduced in this interactive way of teaching that is developed at Faculty of Economics –Forli. Prof. Bianchi also gave some additional remarks to the topic.