Psychology lies at the intersection of many other different disciplines, including biology, medicine, linguistics, philosophy, anthropology, sociology… Many branches of psychology are more closely connected with medicine. Health psychologists help people manage disease and pain. Similarly, clinical psychologists help alleviate the suffering caused by mental disorders.
Branches of Psychology Social Developmental Clinical Personality Industrial and organizational psychology Educational Biological
General psychology the study of the basic principles, problems and methods that underlie the science of psychology. Includes human development, emotions, motivation, learning, senses, perception, thinking, memory, intelligence and processing.psychologydevelopmentmotivationlearningperceptionthinking
Physiological psychology This branch of psychology looks for explanations of behavior in the physiological structures of humans and animals. Some of the questions raised by physiological psychologists include: What physiological changes occur in people during sleep and dreaming? What is the relationship between the incidence of motorway accidents and changes in the physiological functions of the body at different times of the day?
Developmental Psychology Its concern is about behavioral development over the entire life span. It is also concerned with psychological concepts, such as: learning, memory, motivation and thinking. The following are questions raised by developmental psychologists: How soon can babies perceive depth? How do children develop the concept of the self? Is language acquisition only a question of biological maturation, learning or it has any relation to social interaction?
Personality Psychology Some people are highly competitive and hostile Some people tend to be relaxed and don't feel the pressure of time The study of the relation between personality and behavior is an example of research in personality psychology. It studies individual differences in behavior and why people not react in a similar way to the same situation.
Social psychology is a wide-ranging field of study. Among the topics that can be studied are: Friendship formation, Conflict, Perception of other people, Aggressiveness The Particular interest of social psychologists is on the relevance of their research to human society, human problems in the group, the community, the nation and the world.
Example: Research findings in social psychology showed that delinquent boys who watched aggressive or violent movies are engaged in more acts of physical aggression after seeing these movies than delinquent boys who watched neutral movies.
It is the study, diagnosis and treatment of abnormal behavior. It looks for possible biological, educational and environmental causes of disorders. The aim is to change the environment that leads to disorder. Clinical psychologists give advice to people how to handle psychological problems
Industrial/Organizational Psychology Industrial organizational psychology is an applied area of psychology that involves using psychological theories and principles to solve problems related to the workplace and organizations. Some of the issues that an I/O psychologist might tackle include finding ways to increase worker productivity, selecting the most qualified employees for specific roles, and improving the mental and physical well being of people in the workplace.
What Are Psychological Perspectives? Integrating the Perspectives Developmental psychology Clinical psychology Personality differences Biological psychology Cognitive psychology Social psychology Evolutionary psychology
Biological: aggression is associated with low levels of serotonin. Evolutionary: we aggress against people who challenge our status. Cognitive: we learn to be more aggressive when we see aggression rewarded. Social: we are more aggressive when we are anonymous and unaccountable. Developmental: aggressive behavior decreases sharply from the mid-20s on. Clinical: aggressive individuals tend to have low impulse control. Personality: aggressive people tend to have very high self-esteem.
Psychiatry: the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. Most similar to clinical psychology. Psychiatrist- a medical doctor who has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders.
Psychologist Psychology: the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. “Scientific” means... beliefs are based on empirical evidence—careful, systematic observations. Psychologist: a professional with an academic degree and specialized training in one or more areas of psychology Areas of specialization in psychology include clinical, counseling, developmental, social and personality, among others
Psychotherapist Psychotherapy: the treatment of psychological disorders using psychological rather than biological methods. Psychotherapist: eather a psychiatrist or psychologist who special training in the some theorie.