Improving Networks Worldwide. UNH InterOperability Lab UNH-IOL Overview November, 2008
2 UNH-IOL Overview Presentation Topics Laboratory Overview Technology Testing Areas Customers and Industry Involvement Interoperability Testing Events Contact Information
3 UNH-IOL Overview Laboratory Overview Best-equipped 3 rd -party test facility for data communications & networking 100% funded by commercial industry –Hundreds of companies provide market motivation 32,000 sqft lab facility, founded in 1988 Multi-million dollar interoperability test beds
4 UNH-IOL Overview Enhanced Product Awareness: Product Verification Professional Services: Network Integration: Large, multi-vendor, multi-protocol integration projects Custom Test Development: Hardware and software test tools, test strategies, etc. Technology Demonstrations: Tradeshows, industry organizations and forums Perform comprehensive testing Verify standards compliance Improve interoperability assurance Support industry "plugfests" and demos Publish cooperative press releases, case studies and white papers Increased Customer Confidence Address customer RFP requirements Reduce customer pre-qualification testing Issue industry recognized test reports Provide 3 rd -party analysis Support supplier claims Utilize custom test tools and advance test equipment
5 UNH-IOL Overview Sample UNH-IOL Customers
6 UNH-IOL Overview Industry Involvement
7 UNH-IOL Overview Technology Areas VoIP –IMS Forum –MSF –Sonus Certification Routing Wireless LANs –ZWave Storage Networks –iSCSI & Fibre Channel –iWARP –SAS & SATA OFA Ethernet –10Base-T, Fast Ethernet –Gigabit Ethernet –10Gigabit Ethernet –Power over Ethernet IEEE –Ethernet Switching –802.1D (STP, RSTP, FDB) –802.1s, q, ab, X IPv6 –Moonv6 deployment testing –IPv6 Ready Logo testing MPLS Services –RSVP, LDP xDSL –ADSL (2, 2+), TR.69 –SHDSL and VDSL2 Consumer Electronics –DLNA –Residential Ethernet
8 UNH-IOL Overview Interoperability Testing Events We have the ability to host Interoperability Test Events or “Plugfests” at our facility Unique opportunity for companies to come together to test standards or test specifications in our neutral 3rd party environment Ability to produce white-papers or case studies Test the maturity of standards and companies implementation of standards
9 UNH-IOL Overview Contact Information Kari Younsi Bridge Functions Consortium Manager