National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Core What We Need from Cores 1 & 2 NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Brain Imaging Laboratory Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology, Dartmouth Medical School
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Core Needs - 1 Interoperability with other software File I/O for existing data sets: DICOM (each MRI mfr), Advantage format, Analyze volumes ROI files from BRAINS-1 and BRAINS-2 (U Iowa) ROI files from Alice (Parexel, Waltham, MA) fMRI spatio-temporal data and derived activation maps I/O with SPM, AFNI, FSL, etc. Output of measures to statistical software (e.g., SAS, SPSS, Matlab) Automated quality control analyses for scan data SNR, CNR, spatial and temporal fidelity vs. phantom standards Statistical pattern analysis Tools to perform pattern analyses on a voxel by voxel, tract or fMRI activation “blob” basis
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Core Needs - 2 Structural MRI and DTI Analysis Tools Automated de-facing & skull stripping of Analyze volumes Automated parcellation of major GM & WM ROIs Enhanced and robust multispectral segmentation Combinations of T1, PD, T2, FLAIR, MT, DTI, BOLD, … - separate normal GM/WM/CSF (for atrophy & shape) - for other disorders: vascular, MS lesions, tumors Analytic methods for cortical surface thickness and shape Enhanced nonlinear registration Facilitate DTI and BOLD fMRI time series alignment Integration of DTI and fMRI with SPGR sMRI volumes Measurement of EPI / susceptibility-related distortion Unwarping capacity for distortion correction for fMRI and DTI data using phantom data and B0 field maps
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Core Needs - 3 Functional MRI Interoperability with existing fMRI packages (as above) Tools for analysis across multiple subjects and groups Spatio-temporal analysis: Need an easy to use 3D plus time browser for raw and post- processed time series signals Display and analyze onsets and HRF for fMRI tasks: Blocked designs and Event-related designs Visualize and analyze pct signal change, F, t and p maps Method to extract signals from structurally and functionally defined ROIs Platform for functional connectivity analyses ROI-based and voxel-based methods (PLS, DCM, etc.)