C2 REVISION – CHAPTER 1 – STRUCTURES & BONDING What is an ion? How is it formed? Define: Element- Compound- Molecule- Atom- Use pictures and words to describe each type of bonding: Ionic Covalent Metallic Ionic bonding Draw dot and cross diagrams to show how these elements form ions together Magnesium oxide Potassium chloride Covalent bonding Draw dot and cross diagrams to show how these elements covalently bond Fluorine (F2) Water (H2O) KEY WORDS: Electron Proton Neutron Shell Electronic Configuration Covalent/Ionic/Metallic ASSESSMENT:
C2 REVISION – CHAPTER 2 – STRUCTURES & PROPERTIES IONIC COMPOUNDS What type of force holds the ions together? Draw a giant ionic lattice: Why do ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points? Why can ionic compounds conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water? SIMPLE COVALENT MOLECULES What forces hold the atoms together within a simple covalent molecule? How strong are these forces? What hold the molecules together within a simple covalent substance? How strong are these forces? How does this link to the melting and boiling points of simple covalent substances? GIANT COVALENT SUBSTANCES Name 3 giant covalent substances: Why is graphite slippery, but diamond is hard? Why does graphite conduct electricity, but diamond does not? GIANT METALLIC SUBSTANCES Why can metals be bent and shaped? What are delocalised electrons? Why do metals conduct electricity? KEY WORDS: Diamond Graphite Intermolecular Intramolecular Delocalised ASSESSMENT: 2
C2 REVISION – CHAPTER 3 – HOW MUCH? What is Ar? What is Mr? What is the Mr of C2H5OH? What is a mole? Balance the equation and say how many moles of each substance there are: H2 + O2 H2O What is percentage yield and what is the equation to calculate it? Give three reasons why the percentage yield is never 100%: Draw the equation triangle for finding the number of moles: What mass of hydrogen is produced when 96g of magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid? Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) What is the empirical formula? Find the empirical formula of a substance that is 70% Fe and 30% O. KEY WORDS: Reversible Empirical formula Relative Atomic Mass Relative Formula Mass Isotope Moles ASSESSMENT: 3
C2 REVISION – CHAPTER 4 – RATES OF REACTION What must happen for a reaction to occur? What do we mean by ‘rate of reaction’? What is the activation energy? What is a catalyst? Explain the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction [think about: kinetic energy & number of collisions] Draw diagrams to represent it: Explain the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction Draw diagrams to represent it: How does surface area affect rate of reaction? Draw diagrams to represent it: Low concn High concn What do exothermic and endothermic mean? What is a reversible reaction? Low temp High temp KEY WORDS: Collision Theory Catalyst Activation Energy Rate of Reaction Concentration Temperature ASSESSMENT: Small surface area Large surface area 4
C2 REVISION – CHAPTER 5 – ACIDS, ALKALIS & SALTS What is a base? What is an alkali? What ions make something acidic? What ions make something alkali? What is the pH scale? Label it with numbers and colours below. What is produced when an acid and a metal react? Acid + Metal Give a specific example: What is produced when an acid and an alkali react? Acid + Alkali What type of reaction is this called? How can this reaction be simplified using just the ions involved? What is produced when an acid and a base react? Acid + Base Give a specific example: What happens when ammonia dissolves in water? Give a symbol equation for this: What happens if you react this solution with an acid? What is an ion? Match the name of the ion to its symbol. OH- Hydrogen ion H+ Oxide ion O2- Hydroxide ion What is a precipitation reaction? What would we observe during a precipitation reaction? How could we obtain the salt produced? KEY WORDS: Acid Base Alkali pH scale Indicator Precipitate ASSESSMENT: 5
C2 REVISION – CHAPTER 6 – ELECTROLYSIS What is electrolysis? What do we call the substance that is broken down during electrolysis? What is the positive electrode called? What is the negative electrode called? Use the diagram to explain what happens in electrolysis What does OILRIG stand for? Which ions would be present in potassium iodide solution? What would be made at the positive and negative electrodes? Why? Which ions are present in sodium chloride solution (brine)? What 3 products are made when we electrolyse brine? Give a use for each. Use the diagram to explain aluminium extraction What is electroplating? Why do jewellery companies electroplate jewellery? KEY WORDS: Electrolysis Electrolyte Cathode Anode Oxidation Reduction ASSESSMENT: 6