Eager Ea * ger (adjective) Ea * ger (adjective) Definition: Very interested in doing something. Definition: Very interested in doing something. Sentence: The Escontrias Bullpups are eager to read so they can go to the dance. Sentence: The Escontrias Bullpups are eager to read so they can go to the dance.
Thread Thread (noun) Thread (noun) Definition: A strand of cotton, silk, etc., used for sewing. Definition: A strand of cotton, silk, etc., used for sewing. Sentence: I used blue thread to sew my costume. Sentence: I used blue thread to sew my costume.
Detective De * tec * tive (noun) De * tec * tive (noun) Definition: One who investigates crimes. Definition: One who investigates crimes. Sentence: We met a detective during career day. Sentence: We met a detective during career day.
Project Proj * ect (noun) Proj * ect (noun) Definition: A school assignment worked on over a period of time. Definition: A school assignment worked on over a period of time. Sentence: Our science projects are due this week. Sentence: Our science projects are due this week.
Autumn Au * tumn (noun) Au * tumn (noun) Definition: The season between summer and winter. Definition: The season between summer and winter. Sentence: Today is the first day of autumn. Sentence: Today is the first day of autumn.