Surgical Oncology Surgery M&M 3/31/2012 – 4/6/2012 Tania Arora Sihong Suy Brock Lanier Collier Pace Katarzyn Trebska-McGowan 1
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 4-2Bear/LanierL breast CAL breast segmental mastectomy, L axillary SNB Bear/LanierR breast CAR breast segmental mastectomy, R AND Kaplan/Cotterell Seitelman/Suy Biliary stricture (remote h/o Whipple procedure) Hepaticojejunostomy revision Kaplan/PaceL breast CAL breast segmental mastectomy Vu/TrebskaL breast CAL breast segmental mastectomy, L axillary SNB 4-4Grover/SuyMNGTotal thyroidectomy Kaplan/Seitelman Lanier GEJ tumor (s/p neoadjuvant CRTx) Esophagogastrectomy via laparotomy, EGD Kaplan/Lanier Pace Recurrent medial L knee/prox leg sarcoma Sarcoma WLE (gastrocnemius flap & STSG by plastics) Kaplan/Seitelman Suy/Trebska Gastric GISTL/s, hand-assisted partial gastrectomy w/ en bloc mass resection Neifeld/TrebskaL breast DCISL breast segmental mastectomy Surgical oncology Case list 3/31/2012 – 4/6/2012 2
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 4-5Grover/LanierL thyroid PTCR hemithyroidectomy (completion thyroidectomy) Vu/Pace/PiggottL thyroid noduleL hemithyroidectomy Vu/PaceBreast cancer, s/p CTXPAC removal Vu/PaceBreast cancer, s/p CTXPAC removal 4-6Bear/PaceL breast CAL breast segmental mastectomy, L axillary SNB Bear/TrebskaR shoulder cutaneous melanoma Cutaneous melanoma WLE, R axillary SNB Neifeld/SuyPSBO (remote h/o CRC and intra sarcoma) Ex lap, LOA, SBR w/ primary anastomosis Takabe/LanierAcute resp distress and neck mass (POD #1 hemithyroidectomy) Neck exploration Takabe/LanierLocally advanced sigmoid CRC L/s converted to open sigmoidectomy w/ en bloc ileocectomy Surgical oncology Case list 3/31/2012 – 4/6/2012 3
DatePatientAtt/ResComplicationProcedure 3-23Grover/LanierHypocalcemiaNeck exploration, four gland parathyroidectomy with abd wall autograft 4-5Vu/Pace/PiggottNeck seroma requiring emergent reoperation Left hemithyroidectomy Surgical oncology Complications 3/31/2012 – 4/6/2012 4