By. Yuri Schoenhoft
Illegal immigrants could reap more than $7B in tax credits this year, senator says Jeff Sessions news conference Illegal immigrants could receive more than $7 billion this year in federal tax credits, according to one estimate, thanks to a loophole in the law that allows people not authorized to work to reap the government payments with no questions asked. Sen. Jeff Sessions' office calculated that, based on recent trends, illegal immigrants could receive roughly $7.4 billion through a provision known as the Additional Child Tax Credit. That's more than quadruple what the payout was four years ago, but the payments have been steadily increasing over the past decade. Though illegal immigrants are prohibited from receiving similar tax credits, a quirk in the law allows them to qualify for the child tax credit. And it's a "refundable" credit, meaning recipients can reap the money -- with average checks totaling about $1, even if they've paid no taxes.
Summary- Jeff Sessions Immigrants received more than 7 billion dollars in tax credits. There's a loophole in the government that allows them to get paid without being asked. Immigrants could receive 7.4 billion in child tax credit. The payments of been increasing over the last ten years. Since there's a loop hole in the law immigrants are allowed to qualify for child tax credit with checks averaging $1,800 with out paying taxes.
Chomsky’s main claim Immigrants are more likely to pay taxes then use public services. Immigrants pay more in federal taxes than they receive in federal benefits. First generation immigrants use more services then they pay taxes. Descendants of first generation immigrants pay more taxes at the federal and state level.
Supporting Claim immigrants become more like citizens they start to work for wages and conditions that are healthy for them. New immigrants tend to have lower levels of education and lower earnings, in fifteen years immigrants earnings and taxes have caught up. Wages, benefits, and taxes are all ways in which businesses give to social reproduction.
Evidence The average income in 2003 a family income was $29,000 compared to natives whose income averaged $45,900, refugees at $45,200, permanent residents at $44,600, and naturalized citizens at $ 56,500 Once migrants achieved legal status, they were able to improve their levels of education and income.
I believe that we need immigrants to do jobs that other Americans would not even though some people might believe their taking our jobs. Migrant workers want a chance to be successful and a better life for their family. Immigrants will continue to arrive some will still be labeled as illegal but, U.S. needs the existence of an underclass. My opinion
Video- Do immigrants help or hinder the U.S. economy