ESL 201/202 WEEK #7 Vocabulary List #12 Surgery
Anesthesia (n) Techniques for reducing sedation and feeling, especially to control pain Anesthetic (n, adj) Many people do not feel well after anesthesia.
Augment (v) To make bigger or better by adding to Augmentation (n) In some types of popular cosmetic surgery people augment parts of their bodies.
Certifiably (adv) In a manner that is officially recognized Certify (n); certification (n), certificate (n); certifiable (adj) I have a first aid and CPR certificate.
Complication (n) A factor that makes something more difficult or complex Complicate (v) There was a complication during the surgery so it took longer than it was supposed to take.
Cure (v) To restore to health Cure (n) The disease was fatal as there was no cure.
Implant (v) To set in firmly; to insert in the body surgically Implant (n); implantation (n) She lost all of her teeth in the car accident so the dentist implanted a false set.
Inject (v) To insert a liquid by means of a syringe Injection (n) Many small children are afraid of injections.
Obese (adj) Excessively overweight Obesity (n) One in three American children born in the year 2000 will someday be obese.
Procedure (n) A specific way or performing or doing something Proceed (v), procedural (adj) The explorers proceeded cautiously up Mt. Everest.
Scar (n) A mark on the skin left after a wound has healed; a lasting sign of damage, either mental or physical Scar (v) Doctors today leave less visible scars than they did in the past.