Pre-workshop exercise on SOC stock simulation / calibration of DNDC Steven Sleutel Dept. Soil Management & Soil Care Ghent University
S.Sleutel, DNDC model DNDC: C and N bio-geochemical model Li et al. (1992; 1994) 2 components: 1° soil climate, crop growth, decomposition 2° nitrification, denitrification, fermentation 4 SOC pools (litter, microbial biomass, active humus, passive humus) Daily time steps possibilities to define “management” (tillage, N- fertilization, manuring, cropping dates)
S.Sleutel, DNDC model stucture (process oriented, 6 different sub-modules) INPUT SOIL VAR. decomposition CO 2
S.Sleutel, DNDC model Own Interest: prediction SOC stock changes cropland soils (regional scale: SOC storage potential) denitrification – fermentation – SOC cycle plant phenological growth sub modules “User” -> limited access to parameterization specific model processes
S.Sleutel, Model exercise data input 1.Climate: daily T° and precipitation 2.Soil variables: bulk density, SOC conc., pH, clay content, moisture content at wilting point and field capacity, land-use 3.Management: crop rotation and dates of sowing and harvest, tillage, N-fertilization, manuring Specific DNDC paramerization for model exercise Partitioning of C and N in crop parts – C:N ratio’s crop yields at optimum conditions (N, water, temp.) Initial partitioning of SOC in model pools “Soil microbial activity index”
S.Sleutel, Proposed model simulations Calibration step Calibration plotSimulation plotObservations for comparison ICalibration on C org content and CO 2 emission of the trace gas measurement field (1 year) Simulating the bare fallow plot of the short term experiment (5 years) Organic carbon content II aCalibration on plant development of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years NPK plot (plot 13) Yield, nitrogen removal II bCalibration on C org content (and soil moisture) of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years nil (plot18) and NPK plot (plot 13) and perhaps additionally the farm yard manure (FYM, plot 6) and the NPK plus FYM plot (plot 1) Organic carbon content II cCalibration on C org content, soil moisture and inorganic nitrogen (soil and soil solution) of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years nil (plot18) and NPK plot (plot 13) and perhaps additionally the farm yard manure (FYM, plot 6) and the NPK plus FYM plot (plot 1) Organic carbon content, inorganic nitrogen in soil
S.Sleutel, Proposed model simulations Calibration step Calibration plotSimulation plotObservations for comparison ICalibration on C org content and CO 2 emission of the trace gas measurement field (1 year) Simulating the bare fallow plot of the short term experiment (5 years) Organic carbon content II aCalibration on plant development of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years NPK plot (plot 13) Yield, nitrogen removal II bCalibration on C org content (and soil moisture) of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years nil (plot18) and NPK plot (plot 13) and perhaps additionally the farm yard manure (FYM, plot 6) and the NPK plus FYM plot (plot 1) Organic carbon content II cCalibration on C org content, soil moisture and inorganic nitrogen (soil and soil solution) of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years nil (plot18) and NPK plot (plot 13) and perhaps additionally the farm yard manure (FYM, plot 6) and the NPK plus FYM plot (plot 1) Organic carbon content, inorganic nitrogen in soil
S.Sleutel, Parmeter sets Parameterdefault Crop C:N ratio + C- partitioning Default DNDC Opt crop yieldDefault DNDC SOC partitioningDefault DNDC Microbial activity index Default DNDC
S.Sleutel, Calibration of crop param. Plot12 Large underestimation of crop yields adjust DNDC’s crop par. to 1° 2° 3° Year 1-2 Year 8
S.Sleutel, Calibration of crop param. Plot 12 Large underestimation of crop yields adjust DNDC’s crop par. to 1° starting date of growth of grain 2° 3° Spring barley
S.Sleutel, Calibration of crop param. Plot 12 Large underestimation of crop yields adjust DNDC’s crop par. to 1° starting date of growth of grain 2° measured C and N content plant parts partitioning C plant parts (grain / shoot / root) 3°
S.Sleutel, Calibration of crop param. Plot 12 Large underestimation of crop yields adjust DNDC’s crop par. to 1° starting date of growth of grain 2° measured C and N content plant parts partitioning C plant parts (grain / shoot / root) 3° DNDC par. “optimum yield”
S.Sleutel, ParameterdefaultSet1 Crop C:N ratio + C- partitioning Default DNDC plot12 Opt crop yieldDefault DNDC SOC partitioningDefault DNDC Microbial activity index Default DNDC
S.Sleutel, Proposed model simulations Calibration step Calibration plotSimulation plotObservations for comparison ICalibration on C org content and CO 2 emission of the trace gas measurement field (1 year) Simulating the bare fallow plot of the short term experiment (5 years) Organic carbon content II aCalibration on plant development of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years NPK plot (plot 13) Yield, nitrogen removal II bCalibration on C org content (and soil moisture) of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years nil (plot18) and NPK plot (plot 13) and perhaps additionally the farm yard manure (FYM, plot 6) and the NPK plus FYM plot (plot 1) Organic carbon content II cCalibration on C org content, soil moisture and inorganic nitrogen (soil and soil solution) of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years nil (plot18) and NPK plot (plot 13) and perhaps additionally the farm yard manure (FYM, plot 6) and the NPK plus FYM plot (plot 1) Organic carbon content, inorganic nitrogen in soil
S.Sleutel, Simulation of SOC stock evolution plot 13 crop rotation with 4 crops SB – B – PO – WW Average figures: yield (kg DM) fertilization (type, amount, date) tillage (depth, date) sowing and harvest date 2 crop rotations: management changes with time: higher N-fertilization (1° 70y; 2° 30y) Crop rot. 1 Crop rot. 2 higher N-fert
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) default DNDC crop par. Underestimation of crop yields
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) with crop par. ~ plot 12 Overestimation of crop yield PO
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) default DNDC crop parameters
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) crop parameters adj. plot 12 Large underestimation SOC conc. Further calibration DNDC on plot 12: Calibration II.b
S.Sleutel, Proposed model simulations Calibration step Calibration plotSimulation plotObservations for comparison ICalibration on C org content and CO 2 emission of the trace gas measurement field (1 year) Simulating the bare fallow plot of the short term experiment (5 years) Organic carbon content II aCalibration on plant development of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years NPK plot (plot 13) Yield, nitrogen removal II bCalibration on C org content (and soil moisture) of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years nil (plot18) and NPK plot (plot 13) and perhaps additionally the farm yard manure (FYM, plot 6) and the NPK plus FYM plot (plot 1) Organic carbon content II cCalibration on C org content, soil moisture and inorganic nitrogen (soil and soil solution) of crop rotation plot (V521_12, 7 years) Simulating the 100 years nil (plot18) and NPK plot (plot 13) and perhaps additionally the farm yard manure (FYM, plot 6) and the NPK plus FYM plot (plot 1) Organic carbon content, inorganic nitrogen in soil
S.Sleutel, ParameterdefaultSet1Set 2 Crop C:N ratio + C- partitioning Default DNDC plot12 Opt crop yieldDefault DNDC plot12 SOC partitioningDefault DNDC ??? Microbial activity index Default DNDC
S.Sleutel, Simulation 8y plot 12 overestimation SOC conc. Adjust initial partitioning DNDC’s SOC pools (default = 80 % humus)
S.Sleutel, ParameterdefaultSet1Set 2 Crop C:N ratio + C- partitioning Default DNDC plot12 Opt crop yieldDefault DNDC plot12 SOC partitioningDefault DNDC Microbial activity index Default DNDC Tot. RMSE (kg OC kg -1 soil)
S.Sleutel, Simulation 8y plot 12 overestimation SOC conc. Adjust initial partitioning DNDC’s SOC pools (default = 80 % humus)
S.Sleutel, Simulation 8y plot 12 overestimation SOC conc. Adjust initial partitioning DNDC’s SOC pools (75 % humus)
S.Sleutel, Simulation 8y plot 12 overestimation SOC conc. Adjust initial partitioning DNDC’s SOC pools (70 % humus)
S.Sleutel, ParameterdefaultSet1Set 2Set 3 Crop C:N ratio + C- partitioning Default DNDC plot12 Opt crop yieldDefault DNDC plot12 SOC partitioningDefault DNDC Plot12 (70%H) Microbial activity index Default DNDC Tot. RMSE plot 12 (kg OC kg -1 soil)
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) default DNDC 80% humus Calibration
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) 70% humus ~ calibration plot 12 Worse simulation of SOC conc.
S.Sleutel, ParameterdefaultSet1Set 2Set 3Set 4 Crop C:N ratio + C- partitioning Default DNDC plot12 Opt crop yieldDefault DNDC plot12 SOC partitioningDefault DNDC Plot12 (70%H) Plot12 (70%H) Microbial activity index Default DNDC Plot 12 ???? Tot. RMSE plot 12 (kg OC kg -1 soil)
S.Sleutel, Simulation 8y plot 12 Adjust DNDC’s “Microbial Activity Index” (0-1) Default value 1
S.Sleutel, Simulation 8y plot 12 Adjust DNDC’s “Microbial Activity Index” (0-1) 0.9
S.Sleutel, Simulation 8y plot 12 Adjust DNDC’s “Microbial Activity Index” (0-1) 0.8
S.Sleutel, Simulation 8y plot 12 Adjust DNDC’s “Microbial Activity Index” (0-1) 0.7
S.Sleutel, ParameterdefaultSet1Set 2Set 3Set 4 Crop C:N ratio + C- partitioning Default DNDC plot12 Opt crop yieldDefault DNDC plot12 SOC partitioningDefault DNDC Plot12 (70%H) Plot12 (70%H) Microbial activity index Default DNDC Plot 12 (0.9) Tot. RMSE plot 12 (kg OC kg -1 soil)
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) 70% humus ~ calibration plot 12 Microbial Activity index = 1 (default DNDC)
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) 70% humus ~ calibration plot 12 Microbial Activity index = 0.9 ~ plot 12 Almost no improvement
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y nil (plot 18) 80% humus (default DNDC) Microbial Activity index = 1 (default DNDC)
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y nil (plot 18) 70% humus Microbial Activity index = 0.9 ~ plot 12
S.Sleutel, ParameterdefaultSet1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5 Crop C:N ratio + C- partitioning Default DNDC plot12 Plot12 Opt crop yieldDefault DNDC plot12 SOC partitioningDefault DNDC Plot12 (70%H) Plot12 (70%H) 90%H Microbial activity index Default DNDC Plot 12 (0.9) <0.7
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) 70% humus ~ calibration plot 12 Microbial Activity index = 0.9 ~ plot 12 Slightly better
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) 90% humus Microbial Activity index = 0.7 ~ plot 12
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) 90% humus Microbial Activity index = 0.6 ~ plot 12
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y NPK (plot 13) 90% humus Microbial Activity index = 0.5 ~ plot 12
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y nil (plot 18) 70% humus Microbial Activity index = 0.9 ~ plot 12
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y nil (plot 18) 90% humus Microbial Activity index = 0.6 ~ plot 12
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y FYM (plot 6) 70% humus Microbial Activity index = 0.9 ~ plot 12 Better result: Plot 6 OM input ~correspond To plot 12
S.Sleutel, Simulation 100y FYM (plot 6) 90% humus Microbial Activity index = 1
S.Sleutel, conclusions Good Calibration plot 12 -> bad result sim. plots: impossible to estimate error for long-term aplic. 8y is too short to calibrate SOC pool partitioning, which has a large impact on the final result of the long-term simulations “correspondence in management” between calibration plot and simulation plots is necessary: plot 12 – plot 13 & 18 Calibration of other parameters DNDC: specific decomposition rates SOC pools, Simplicity of DNDC: partitioning of fresh OM based only on C:N-ratio Requiered data: partitioning of SOM??