Production & Distribution of Your Hotel Visuals IBC Hotels partnered with ICE Portal to offer Production & Distribution of Your Hotel Visuals PLEASE take a few minutes to review this information so we can better serve your property and generate more bookings
Perception vs. Reality First Impressions Matter! Image Assessment
1.Do Your Images Accurately Reflect Your Property? 2.Do Your Images Fill Your Computer Screen? 3.Do You have Twenty (20) or More Total Images? 4.Are Your Images Uploaded to IBC + all other channels (OTAs, GDS, Meta Search, Local, etc.)? What Do Your Prospects See Online? If you answered “No” to one or more questions, please make it a priority to update your imagery. IBC & ICE Portal can will produce new visuals for distribution to the 3 rd party channels. This will increase your property's bookings! Content Audit
Photo Facts 4 More total views are attracted by content containing compelling images than content without images 94% $3.50 Increase in a Hotel’s ADR plus a 4.5% increased up- take when doubling a hotel’s online pictures MDG Advertising Expedia More engagement with travelers when listings have 20 or more photos than with properties that fewer photos 150% TripAdvisor
How We Help Hotel Organized Distributed Visuals & Optimized Everywhere Production Management Distribution Visual Production Specialists - HD Photography - HD360 tours -HD videos -Rights owned by Hotel Hotel to store, add, edit, delete & organize visual content in our easy to use Visual-ICE– Content Management and Distribution Solution ICE distributes rich content to 1,000s of internet travel sites and over 11 million global consumers monthly
What We Produce Digital aficionados will create spectacular visuals to effectively promote and sell your hotel – Select from: Photography, Full Screen 360 Tours, 1080p HD video HD-360s Photography Videos Click any thumbnail above to view sample
Notable Distribution Yelp| City Grid| Google | Acxiom Facebook | Flickr | Factual | Yext Expedia | Hotelbeds | Orbitz |Lanyon | Despegar HRS| Agoda |Kayak |TripAdvisor| Travelocity |GTA Best Day | Priceline | Trivago | Tourico | Booking Amadeus (Daily) | Travelport (Daily) DHISCO/Pegasus (Daily) |Sabre (2015) ICE Portal has over 500 Distribution Channels s of their affiliates that connect direct. NOTE: ICE does not charge distributors for content, thus hotels reach far more distribution channels by using ICE Portal. Channels highlighted in bold do not use Leonardo (including Lanyon’s Channel Publisher)
What’s The Cost IBC Hotels SPECIAL OFFERSFEES per Hotel Premium Package – Photos & 360 Tours + Management & Distribution Twenty five (25) Photos + Six (6) 360 Tours | Managed & Distributed via Visual-ICE $1495 $999* Deluxe Package – Photos + Management & Distribution Twenty five (25) Photos | Managed & Distributed via Visual-ICE $1,199 $799* Visual-ICE Package – Management & Distribution Up to 50 photos Managed & Distributed via Visual-ICE $120 $99 * Includes Production & post-production | Rights owned by Hotel in perpetuity | Travel Costs may apply
How To Contact Us P:+1(954) F:+1(954) W: A:3595 Sheridan St., Suite # 200 Hollywood, FL 33021