Ministry of Panchayati Raj Government of India September 24, 2015 Ministry of Panchayati Raj Government of India September 24, 2015 Experience Sharing in Implementation of e-Office 1
e-Office- First Phase (till April 2014) First introduced in August 2012 Two-day e-Office demo given to staff of MoPR (18-19 July 2012) 45 DSCs created and mapped with e-Office accounts Only e-Leave and e-File for RTI Act applications used in 1 st Phase 2
Keen personal interest by Secretary, MoPR Discussed in Senior Officers Meeting and decided a start off date (as June 1, 2014) Designated one Joint Secretary as Nodal Officer for implementation of e-Office Detailed Action Plan prepared with timelines for each activity e-Office-Second Phase (May 2014 to Feb 2015 ) 3
4 The Action Plan included Environment generation- briefing meeting with all officials and staff Listing of all files of Divisions, year-wise Separate lists of files to be retained/weeded out Generation of user logins for e-Office Issue of DSCs in co-ordination with NIC e-Office-Second Phase (May 2014 to Feb 2015 )...Contd
Basic training to staff of MoPR on use of e-Office Training of Master Trainers of MoPR Assessment of infrastructure available Procurement of high-end scanners and replacement of old PCs Hiring of agencies for scanning of old files Hiring of trained persons for trouble shooting during roll out period 5 e-Office-Second Phase (May 2014 to Feb 2015 )...Contd
e-Office-Second Phase Targets Achieved Completed training of 25 Master Trainers (May 19-23, 2014) Completed creation of Ids and issue of DSCs upto SO level (May 25, 2014) Collection and creation of meta data for file heads, organisation units, section names, marking abbreviations (May 25, 2014) Entry of Employee Master Details (May 27, 2014) Training of staff by Master Trainers (June-July 2014) Hired four persons for handholding support (Till December 2014) 6
Hired two vendors and 08 data entry operators for scanning of old files (October 2014) Scanning of old files starting from FY backwards Scanning completed by February, 2015 Out of total of 9866 files, 4229 files weeded out and remaining ones (5637) scanned and uploaded on e-Office Back up also kept in an external hard disk 7 e-Office- Second Phase Targets Achieved..Contd
e-Office-Applications being Utilised e-File: All new files (May 29, 2014) KMS: Uploading documents (May 29, 2014) e-Leave: Leave management (June 2, 2014) e-Tour: Tours approvals (July 2014) Payroll: Integration of pay-slip with e-Office (July 2014) e-Service Book: Most of service records (January 2015) 8
e-Office-Other Actions for Improvement Based on experience of using e-office, some software issues came up (auto correction of spellings, increasing font size, sanction of leave intimation) and got rectified by e-Office team- a few still remain MTNL lease line augmented from 8 Mbps to 34 Mbps in Jeevan Prakash Building with another 8 Mbps PGCIL lease line as backup Additionally three high speed multipurpose photocopiers cum scanners purchased and connected to all PCs in network-shared environment 9
Cabinet Minister and MOS and requested and convinced for use of e-Office Training given to staff of MOS and Cabinet Minister (November 2014) Now all files processed in Ministers’ offices through e-Office Overall 99% of files processed in e-office e-Office at Ministers’ Offices 10
Status of Use of e-Office (as on September 23, 2015) Total files created (new as well as old scanned) – 8443 Files moved in e-Office – e-receipts created Documents uploaded on KMS– 1415 Use of e-Leave – 556 e-Tours – 31 Total number of e-Office users
How This Could be Achieved Firmness of decision and constant follow up Officers also shown keen interest and motivated staff Provided all infrastructural and handholding support 12
Thank You 13