Biological and Physical Sciences MUSCULAR SYSTEM
Objective Recognize the functions, classification, and muscle groups in relation to Preventive Medicine.
Overview Functions of Muscles Muscle Classification Muscle Groups
Functions of Muscles Responsible for body movement Stabilizing joints Posture Heat production
Muscle Classification
Skeletal Muscle Attached to skeleton Voluntary or striated muscle Tendons and body Contract rapidly and vigorously Tires easily
Smooth Muscle Have no striations/involuntary muscle Lines internal organs and blood vessels No control Found in: digestive tract urinary bladder bronchi of the lungs
Cardiac (Heart) Muscle Found in only one place in the body Hybrid muscle Actions involuntary like smooth muscle
Muscle Components/Movement Muscle Components Origin - stationary attachment of muscle to skeleton Insertion - the point where the action of the muscle is applied, resulting in motion
Muscle Groups Major muscle groups Thoracic muscle Diaphragm Rectus abdominus
Muscle Groups - Anterior Sternocleidomastoid (neck) Pectoralis Major (arms) Muscles of the Abdominal Girdle Rectus Abdominis, External and Internal Obliques, Transversus Abdominis
Muscle Groups – Posterior Trapezius Brachi Latissimus Dorsi Erector Spinae Deltoid
Muscle Groups - Upper Limb Biceps Brachii Triceps Brachii
Muscle Groups - Lower Limb Gluteus Maximus Gluteus Medius Quadriceps Group (Anterior) Hamstring Group (Posterior)
Muscle Groups - Muscles of the Ankle and Foot Tibialis Anterior Peroneus Muscles Gastrocnemius
Objective Recognize the functions, classification, and muscle groups in relation to Public Health.
Summary Functions of muscles Muscle classification Muscle groups