Motivation n How many students live in a household with one parent at home? n What are the advantages and disadvantages of having this type of arrangement?
Objective n The students will learn the three macroeconomic goals. n Students will know the characteristics of the the Gross National Product (GNP). n Students will distinguish the GNP from the GDP.
Objective (Continued) n Students will know the limitations of the GDP. n Students will know the characteristics of the business cycle.
3 Macroeconomic Goals
Gross National Product n The total dollar value of all final goods and services produced in the economy during one year’s time.
Business Cycle
Business Cycle
Gross Domestic Product n The total dollar value of all final goods and services produced by resources in the United States (regardless of who owns them) during one year’s time.
Composition of the GNP n 1. Consumer goods (Personal Consumption) 60%
Composition of the GNP n 2.Physical Investment (Business) 20%
Composition of the GNP n 3) Governmental Purchases 20%
Composition of the GNP n 4) Foreign Investment ?%
Limitations of the GDP n om/2012/01/29/the- shortcomings-of-gdp- as-a-measure-of- economic-growth/ and /limitations-of-using- gdp-as-measure- of.html.
Limitations of the GDP n 1. GDP Doesn’t Consider the Kinds of Items Produced.
Limitations of the GDP n 2) GDP Doesn’t Measure Amount Produced Per Person.
Limitations of the GDP n 3) GDP Doesn’t Measure How Goods are Distributed.
n 4) GDP Doesn’t Allow for Changing Price Levels. Limitations of the GDP
Limitations of the GDP n 5. GDP Doesn’t Include Unpaid House Work.
n 6. GDP Doesn’t Include Barter. Limitations of the GDP
Limitations of the GDP n 7. GDP Doesn’t Measure Quality of Items.
Limitations of the GDP n 8. GDP Doesn’t Recognize the Value of Leisure Time.
Closure n Handout 12.1 The Gross National Product and 15.2 The Case Against Economic Growth