Academy of Economic Studies Doctoral School of Finance and Banking - DOFIN VOLATILITY AND LONG TERM RELATIONS IN EQUITY MARKETS : Empirical Evidence from Romania, Germany and Poland MSc. Student: Mircia Ana-Maria Supervisor: PhD. Professor Moisa Altar July, 2009
GOALS COMPARE SEVERAL GARCH MODELS for - modeling and forecasting conditional variance of Romania, Germany and Poland stock market indexes LONG RUN RELATIONS BETWEEN THESE MARKETS
REVIEW OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH Asymmetric effect to past information: Koutmos (1998) using TGARCH on 9 countries, Chen (2001) using EGARCH on 9 countries Cointegration analysis, regarded as perhaps the most revolutionary development in econometrics since mid’80s, used by (Granger, 1986; Engle and Granger, 1987; Johansen, 1988; Johansen and Juselius, 1990)
COMPONENT GARCH MODEL => The conditional variance in the GARCH(1,1) model can be written as: Allowing for the possibility that σ 2 is not constant over time, but a time-varying trend q t, yields: D t is a slope dummy variable that takes the value D t = 1 for ε t < 0 and D t = 0 otherwise, in order to capture any asymmetric responses of volatility to shocks.
DECOMPOSITION IN PERMANENT AND TRANSITORY COMPONENTS The long run component equation: The short run component equation: Stationarity of the CGARCH model and non- negativity of the conditional variance are ensured if the following inequality constraints are satisfied: 1 > ρ > (α+β), β > Φ > 0, α > 0, β > 0, Φ > 0, ω > 0.
DATA DAILY DATA FROM 2000 THROUGH 2009 FIRST 2200 observations for each stock market index were used for modeling LAST 125 were kept out of sample to be used for forecasting volatility Returns were computed using the prices log difference:
DATA STATISTICS FOR BET SERIES BET Index the main indicator on the progression of Bucharest Stock Exchange, is a free float weighted capitalization index of the most liquid 10 companies listed on the BSE regulated market. It was launched in September 19, 1997, when its value stood at 1,000 points.
DATA STATISTICS FOR DAX SERIES DAX Index, is the most commonly cited benchmark for measuring the returns posted by stocks on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Started in 1984 with a value of 1000, the index is comprised of the 30 largest and most liquid issues traded on the exchange.
DATA STATISTICS FOR WIG20 SERIES WIG20 Index, the main index of Warsaw Stock Exchange is calculated based on a portfolio comprised of shares in the 20 largest and most traded companies.. The index base date is April 16, 1994; and its base value is 1, 000 points.
CGARCH Components Chart BET Index
CGARCH Components Chart DAX Index
CGARCH Components Chart WIG20 Index
FORECASTING VOLATILITY I used out-of-sample data in order to forecast volatility by using the last 125 observations GARCH models are measured by the coefficient of determinations R 2 coming from regressing squared returns on the volatility forecast: r t 2 =a + b σ t 2 +u t Trying to avoid the strongly influenced extreme values on r t 2, the following model is used: l og r t 2 =a + b log h t 2 + u t l
BET stock market forecasted volatility
DAX stock market forecasted volatility
WIG20 stock market forecasted volatility
COINTEGRATION ANALYSIS Cointegration requires the variables to be integrated of the same order. Unit root tests are performed on each of the price index series in log first differences through the ADF test and the Phillips-Peron test:
COINTEGRATION ANALYSIS Further we estimate a VAR and the lag length using AIC and SC: Y t = c + ∑Δy t-1 + ε t The information criteria selects a VAR(2) Next step is the determination of the number of cointegrating relations in VAR
COINTEGRATION ANALYSIS VECM estimated results: Primary finding is that a stationary long-run relationship exists between the three equity markets. Further a VECM is created and the parsimonious model according to AIC and SC was found to be a VECM (4) with the cointegration rank =1.
CONCLUDING REMARKS GARCH models showed evidence of asymmetric effect for DAX and WIG20, but not for BET The autoregressive parameters in the trend equations, ρ, is very close to one for all indices, so the series are very close to being integrated Error correction parameter is not significant for BET Index, Romania market will be the first one to react to the external shocks, while Germany is the one who impose shocks It could be interesting to detect how much the exchange rate is important for investors who operate in this markets and how stock market and economic variables react
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