ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1)Võ Quang Khải 2)Trần Nguyên Phúc 3)Trần Nguyễn Quỳnh Khanh 4)Nhữ Duy Tùng 5)Lê Trung Hoàng Quân
Key points Basic and usual measures of economics Human Development Index Millennium Development Goals of UN Achievements of Vietnam compare to those goals
Basic measures of an economic Gross Domestic Production (GDP) Gross Domestic Production per capita Gross National Income (GNI) Economic Structure
GDP GDP growth rate of Vietnam
GDP per capita
Gross National Income Vietnam : $ 44.5 bil.
Economy Structure
But it’s not enough !!!! The development, should be thought also in term of people’s health, education, housing conditions, security, civil rights and so on. Ah ha….couldn’t agree more with you Mr.Dzung!!!!
Human Development Index (HDI) Was established by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Including three dimensions of human welfare: 1.Income (GDP) 2.Education ( tỉ lệ biết chữ, tỉ lệ đ i học) 3.Health ( average year of life) How to calculate HDI ? Will discuss at the end of the class
HDI of Vietnam Vietnam HDI in 2008is 0.572, number 113 on 169 countries counted. Who has the highest HDI ???? NORWAY!!!!!!!!
UN MILLENNIUM GOAL 1.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2.Achieve universal primary education 3.Promote gender equality and empower women 4.Reduce child mortality 5.Improve maternal health 6.Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7.Ensure environmental sustainability 8.Develop global partnerships for development
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger ACHIEVEMENT Poverty: : decrease 75% Hunger: : decrease 2/3 CHALLENGE Minority still live under poverty standard New form of poverty Complex solution to solve poverty that involve not only family income but also monetary policy
Achieve universal primary education ACHIEVEMENT In 2009: -Number of children register for primary education: 97% -Number of children finish 5 year primary education: 88.5% Smaller education gaps between rural and central area CHALLENGE Budget and investment in education still make no significant improvement in enhancing the education system
Promote gender equality and empower women ACHIEVEMENT Create equal opportunity for both male and female to achieve primary and secondary education Ex: Proportion of female student in: -Primary education: 48.2% -Secondary education: 49.1% Percentage of women in government: 25.8% CHALLENGE Gender discrimination Career Opportunities Violence
Reduce child mortality ACHIEVEMENT : child mortality decreases 50% CHALLENGE Education about child and health care
Improve maternal health ACHIEVEMENT : Maternal Mortality rate (MMR) decreases from 233 to 69 among cases Improvement in education for young parents about family program, laws and regulation, mother & child care program CHALLENGE There are signs that MMR increases again from
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases ACHIVEMENT HIV infected in 2010 is 0.28% of population Improvement in treatment center and virus control service (cover 53,7% in total urban area) Successfully prevent SARS, H5N1 and H1N1 CHALLENGE HIV infection rate still increase Need more laws and policy and plan to control HIV
Ensure environmental sustainability ACHIEVEMENT Forest coverage: increase from 27,8% (1990) to 40% (2010) 83% of people in rural area have fresh water Education about environment CHALLENGE Fresh water problem Climate Change
Develop global partnerships for development ACHIEVEMENT Join WTO Cooperation with ASEAN countries Make use of FDI and ODA from EU US and Japan CHALLENGE Create more opportunities for cooperation with countries around the world Trade balance
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOAL OF VIETNAM ECONOMY Growth in GDP per capita: 7% - 8%, around 3000 – 3200 USD Stabilize macroeconomic with controlled inflation and unemployment rate Re-arrange economics sector with 85% GDP comes from Industrial and Service sector Urbanization growth over 45% PEOPLE & SOCIETY ENVIROMENT Generally reach high level in HDI Stabilize population growth at 1.1% Average Life Expectancy: 75 Reduction in extreme poverty: 2% - 3% /year Enhancing education system Preserve and bring Vietnamese culture to the world Ensure every citizen understand and follow the laws Increase forest coverage to 45% Ensure adequate fresh water supply for agriculture and people’s living All manufacturing firm must install chemical treatment technology
Summary To estimate exactly the economic development, we need to base on at least these criteria: 1. Education 2. Health 3. Income HDI is a good indicator to estimate the economic development
Vietnam is developing fast and reaching goals of UN. Though there are still many challenges but we are on the right way. Yeah yeah….glad to see you guys don’t fall like the Soviet Union! Way to go my friend If you need some AK47 to shut US up…just tell us (joking haha!!!)
REFERENCE Wikipedia General statistic Office Unicef Nation Master Google