9/24/12 J.E. #14 Structure and Components of Essays Intro. ¶: attention-grabber (INTERESTING FACT/STAT., anecdote, INTERESTING quote) Basic 2-3 sent. background summary of the topic Central assertion/thesis/claim that you are PROVING in your essay Body ¶: Transitional word or phrase Topic sentence Lead in for Evidence (in the form of a Quote or Passage or another form of Concrete Detail Commentary about the provided evidence Concluding ¶: A general statement that explains how your central Claim/Argument/Thesis is resolved
AL: 9/24/12 Unit 4 Work: - CS,Syn.,Ant. - Prep. for Check
J.E #15 : 9/24/12 How to Give Feedback: 1. Help people save face. Don't mock or attack someone for having made a mistake (even as a joke). Instead, point out the mistake, offer suggestions for fixing or improving it, and move on to the next area of concern. 2. Focus on specific, observable behavior-not judgment or personality. Instead of making a statement of judgment, like, "You suck," or "This blows," point out the specific problems a paper or statement has. 3. Don't generalize. General comments may show that you caught a mistake, but don't say exactly where it is or offer any suggestions on how to fix it. Instead of "This is wrong," try, "You seem to have a really limited depth of character in this paper. Add more dialogue. What if you tried…“ 5. Avoid nitpicking. The objective is to teach with a thoughtful comment-not to humiliate or discount people and their work.
AL: 9/24/12 How to Receive Feedback: 1. Don't be thin-skinned. The individual offering feedback is not attacking you personally, they're trying to help you create a better piece of work. 2. Ask for clarification. If you don't understand a point being made, or if it is too generic to offer any real help, ask for additional information or possible solutions to help you better understand what the person is trying to say. 3. Acknowledge your mistakes. 4. Assume best intentions. A comment from another may seem nitpicky to you, but if the other person points something out, they thought it was important enough to mention. Treat it as an important item, even if you decide to ignore it.
Unit 4 Check: 9/24/12 Heading for your ½ sheet (hamburger-style): Name Date Per. Unit 4 Check *Point deductions for misspelled words* 1.CS (Completing the Sentence): correctly spell and write out your answer for #3 2. CS: #10 3. Syn: #1 4. Syn: # 8 5. Syn: # 14
9/24/12 Editing Sessions - Mechanics - Claim/Edvidence - Extended Metaphor - Character Sketch
TEWWG: IRB (Completed Prior to Wednesday’s Mtg) -Annotations -4 IRB responses (ensure that you refer to the IRB Policy hdt) -Role Assignment work (e.g. Discussion Director brings in 5 thought-provoking and open-ended questions)
Homework: 9/24/12 Tues., Sept. 25: In class Unit 4 Vocab. Work (no quiz this week) Wednes., Sept. 26: Lit. Circle Mtg. #3 (ensure that you’re keeping up with annotations and Entries) Annotations on Johnson’s “Games” claim/evidence essay… Likes, Dislikes, unfamiliars, Main Points, Evidence, Think Abouts Revised Senior Project Research Paper Claim Fri., Sept. 28: Deadline for Publish-Ready Character Sketch or Extended Metaphor (typed hard copy due and turnitin.com submission deadline) Fri., Sept. 28: Draft 2 Claim/Evidence (discuss presentation requirements) Mon., Oct. 8: Meet in Media Center for Learning Center Website Set-up Wednes.-Fri. (Oct ): Meet in Media Center for source info. session/ Research Paper Work - Turnitin.com account set up: 3 rd period : TH period : Password: Wheeler1
Character Sketch Requirements Character is developed/brought alive and realistically developed through author’s inclusion of physical characteristics, dialogue, thoughts and actions Author effectively SHOWS how the character conveys a chosen EMOTION
Extended Metaphor Requirements Author clearly depicts ALL components of an image Author clearly depicts ALL components of a literature class A fluid transformation has taken place
Claim/Evidence Requirements Intro. ¶: attention-grabber (INTERESTING FACT/STAT., anecdote, INTERESTING quote) Basic 2-3 sent. background summary of the topic Central assertion/thesis/claim that you are PROVING in your essay Body ¶: Transitional word or phrase Topic sentence Lead in for Evidence (in the form of a Quote or Passage or another form of Concrete Detail Commentary about the provided evidence Concluding ¶: A general statement that explains how your central Claim/Argument/Thesis is resolved *Cited Sources (…….) *Included Vocabulary Words from Units 1 & 2 or 3