EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Lessons Learned from the Little Way Learning Community: Teaching Vocation and Discernment Across the Curriculum Dr. Melanie-Préjean Sullivan Director of Campus Ministry
EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Background Theology of Discernment, 2008 (98 th percentile) Whispers, Nudges and a Couple of Kicks, 2009 CIC Network for Vocational Undergraduate Education conference, Indianapolis, 2013 Knights of the Round Table, 2013 Little Way Learning Community Grant, Future Plans: YOU
EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Knights of the Round Table September 17, Frazier Hall 4 pm
EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Ideas Imbedded within the Grant Explore the world. Start within. What DOES that mean? Avoid silo effect (BMS) spiritual/religious/ theological/not my field What is discernment? How do/can we practice, transmit, teach such skills within our respective disciplines?
EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Discernment Questions to Ponder The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet. ― Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking: A Theological ABCFrederick BuechnerWishful Thinking: A Theological ABC What do you LOVE to do? (self) At what are you very GOOD? (others) What does the world need?
EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Practical skills for classroom use Journal prompts Mindfulness; intentional silence Free writing, in-class assignments Interviews Research Spiritual Autobiography Theology Reflection…Ultimate Question, SO WHAT?
EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. SO WHAT ? For me to be a saint means to be myself. Therefore the problem of sanctity and salvation is in fact the problem of finding out who I am and of discovering my true self. ~Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation
EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Resources Thomas Del Prete. Thomas Merton and the Education of the Whole Person. Christine M. Bochen. Thomas Merton Essential Writings James Martin, SJ. Becoming Who You Are Peter Senge, et al. Presence. An exploration of profound change in people, organizations, and society. Andrew Newberg et al. Why God won’t Go Away. Brain science and the biology of belief Minna Proctor. Do You Hear What I Hear? An unreligious writer investigates religious calling. Tim Clydesdale. The Purposeful Graduate. Why colleges must talk to students about vocation Sharon Daloz Parks. Big Questions, Worthy Dreams Wilkie and Noreen Cannon Au. The Discerning Heart. Exploring the Christian Path Edward P. Hahnenberg. Awakening Vocation. A Theology of Christian Call. Melanie-Prejean Sullivan. Whispers, Nudges, and a Couple of Kicks. A guide for those who teach and practice discernment