DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness MEWACS Analysis RE-T-3-E 2012 Navy Medicine Audit Readiness Training Symposium
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Context: MEWACS is an effective resource for making sure we stay on track. Purpose: To understand the available tools and how to effectively address identified anomalies. Outcome: Improved processes and better MEPRS data. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness The Basics What is MEWACS? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness MEPRS Early Warning and Control System FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness The Basics What is MEWACS? How are anomalies flagged? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness How are Anomalies Flagged Three Standard Deviations from Previous 12 Months Did it Happen? Five Percent (or greater) Delta Between Systems Is it Present? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness The Basics What is MEWACS? How are anomalies flagged? Why do we care about MEWACS? FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Why Do We Care about MEWACS? Helps identify potential issues not identified in the FY12 PETRA/R2DQ Process. It is a reportable monthly DQMC metric requirement. It is a focus area in the TMA MEPRS Management Improvement Group (MMIG). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness The Reporting Requirement MEWACS must be reviewed by EVERY MTF/DTF, EVERY Month EVERY Open Outlier must be addressed FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 9
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 10 The MEWACS Tracker – Open/Closed
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Flag Review – Summary Outliers FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 11
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Flag Review – Data Load Status FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 12
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Flag Review – Workload (Dispositions, Visits & OBD) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 13
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Flag Review – Workload (Dental Weighted Procedures) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 14
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Flag Review – FTE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 15
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Flag Review – Total Expenses FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 16
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Flag Review – WWR/EASIV Outliers FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 17
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Flag Review – Allocation Test FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 18
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Flag Review – Workload Expense Check FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 19
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Reporting Requirements MEWACS outliers must be addressed on the DQ Review List until closed: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 20
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness The Prize – Validated Outliers FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 21
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Points of Contact – Colleen Rees, – Randy Van Nostrand, ext. – Kate Burchess, ext – Bonnie Rehbein, ext. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 22
DQ MEPRS Audit Readiness Questions FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 23