LD - Grammar Matthias Segui Serera - Florian Basso
Table of contents I - Project Overview II – How it works III - Video IV – How to use LD Grammar V – Import from everywhere VI – Easy to use VII – Setup VIII – assessment of the project
Project Overview A tool to quickly create level design During the development => the tool can be use for the creation of characters. Prototype quickly to test level design and use the prototype as a reference for the final level design. Gain time for the creation of level design.
How it works
How to use LD - Grammar 4 steps : - Import/Create a 3D object to serve as model - Configure settings, rules - Set in/out on each object - Generate LD
Import from everywhere Import your meshes from everywhere Create your objects in your favorite software then import them into blender or create them in blender.
Easy to use Develop an easy and comprehensive interface to create a friendly plugin. « Easy but complex » « Easy but complex »
Set up
Rules ( just the beginning ) Linear : Add the selected mesh Random : Add randomly a mesh selected in a list of meshes Percentage : Add a mesh between a list of 2 meshes Own Iterate : Add mesh B after the using of the mesh A x times
Assessment of the project Strength of the concept - Connector system to easily create everything (monsters, characters, buildings, LD,...) - No scripting needed - Easily import/export on 3D software
Assessment of the project For the future - Shape analyzing more complex (child mesh) - Shape collision and reconnection of 2 shapes - Collider rules to avoid mesh overlapping - Export one mesh with its settings - New rules for humanoid (rigging set up)
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