15 July 2009 INFLUENCE OF PHC SEED AND FOLIAR TREATMENTS ON IRISH POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD Summary of Rhizoctonia Data, Holland Ag Services, Washington
Protocol: PT & PT Treatments (6): Myconate ® ST at 63(“.5X”), 126(“1X”), & 256(“2X”) ml /ton of seed Employ ® at 2.1 oz/acre with 2 or 3 foliar applications Myconate ® ST at 126 ml/ton plus Employ ® with 3 foliar applications Protocol Locations: WA(4) Application Method: Myconate ® ST - Mixed with water and sprayed on seed pieces Employ ® - Foliar applied in 50 gpa Replications: 4 trial results treated as replicates Data Requested: At 28 days after emergence: Stand, Plant Height, Stem Count At each harvest: /plot weight by grade, /acre yield, & quality Disease incidence, if appropriate INFLUENCE OF PHC SEED AND FOLIAR TREATMENTS ON IRISH POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD Summary of Rhizoctonia Data, Holland Ag Services, Washington Myconate and Employ are Registered Trademarks of Plant Health Care, Inc
Data Audit INFLUENCE OF PHC SEED AND FOLIAR TREATMENTS ON IRISH POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD Summary of Rhizoctonia Data, Holland Ag Services, Washington This is a summary of 4 trials conducted in WA in At each location, 20 stems from each entry (not each rep) were rated for severity of Rhizoctonia and placed into 1 of 4 classes – none, slight, moderate or severe. The results from each location were treated as replicates in a 4-replicate trial, and analyzed using Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test, P = This does not give an estimate of the loc*treatment effect. Bartlett’s test for homogeneity identified no heterogeneous data. Grubb’s Test for Outliers identified no outliers.
Trial Results – Suppression of Rhizoctonia Summary of 4 trials. Myconate ST applied to seed pieces at 63 (.5X), 126(1X) or 256(2X) ml/ton of seed; Employ applied at 2.1 oz/A at end of set and 3 weeks after (X2) or 3 & 6 weeks after (X3); Both = Myconate ST 1X and Employ (X3). Means topped by the same letter are not significantly different (DNMRT P = 0.05). 20 stems were examined for the incidence and severity of Rhizoctonia. All the treatments increased the percent of stems that were free of Rhizoctonia. INFLUENCE OF PHC SEED AND FOLIAR TREATMENTS ON IRISH POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD Summary of Rhizoctonia Data, Holland Ag Services, Washington
Trial Results – Suppression of Rhizoctonia There was no significant difference in the percent of stems with slight Rhizoctonia damage. INFLUENCE OF PHC SEED AND FOLIAR TREATMENTS ON IRISH POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD Summary of Rhizoctonia Data, Holland Ag Services, Washington Summary of 4 trials. Myconate ST applied to seed pieces at 63 (.5X), 126(1X) or 256(2X) ml/ton of seed; Employ applied at 2.1 oz/A at end of set and 3 weeks after (X2) or 3 & 6 weeks after (X3); Both = Myconate ST 1X and Employ (X3). Means topped by the same letter are not significantly different (DNMRT P = 0.05).
Trial Results – Suppression of Rhizoctonia All the treatments decreased the percent of stems with moderate Rhizoctonia damage. INFLUENCE OF PHC SEED AND FOLIAR TREATMENTS ON IRISH POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD Summary of Rhizoctonia Data, Holland Ag Services, Washington Summary of 4 trials. Myconate ST applied to seed pieces at 63 (.5X), 126(1X) or 256(2X) ml/ton of seed; Employ applied at 2.1 oz/A at end of set and 3 weeks after (X2) or 3 & 6 weeks after (X3); Both = Myconate ST 1X and Employ (X3). Means topped by the same letter are not significantly different (DNMRT P = 0.05).
Trial Results – Suppression of Rhizoctonia All the treatments (except PHC-509 at the low rate) decreased the percent of stems with severe Rhizoctonia damage. INFLUENCE OF PHC SEED AND FOLIAR TREATMENTS ON IRISH POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD Summary of Rhizoctonia Data, Holland Ag Services, Washington Summary of 4 trials. Myconate ST applied to seed pieces at 63 (.5X), 126(1X) or 256(2X) ml/ton of seed; Employ applied at 2.1 oz/A at end of set and 3 weeks after (X2) or 3 & 6 weeks after (X3); Both = Myconate ST 1X and Employ (X3). Means topped by the same letter are not significantly different (DNMRT P = 0.05).
Conclusions Four trials were conducted in Washington in which 20 stems from each treatment were classified as having no, slight, moderate, or severe Rhizoctonia damage. The trial results were treated as replicates and analyzed using Duncan’s NMRT, P = All treatments increased the percent of stems free of Rhizoctonia damage. All treatments except the low rate of PHC-509 decreased the percent of stems with severe Rhizoctonia damage. All treatments decreased the percent of stems with moderate Rhizoctonia damage. INFLUENCE OF PHC SEED AND FOLIAR TREATMENTS ON IRISH POTATO GROWTH AND YIELD Summary of Rhizoctonia Data, Holland Ag Services, Washington