Notes on Cold War Culture
Baby Boom: dramatic inc birthrates following WWII ( ) 1.Effect: Levittown – the first postwar suburb (Long, Island, NY) 2.Effect: Interstate Highway Act created 41,000 miles of new highway to connect major cities
Red scare: fear communist conspirators would overthrow the government 1.Effect on television a.TV = social influence i.Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best ii.TV dinners = popular
Television I Love Lucy Superman Davy Crockett “ Leave it to Beaver” “ Bonanza”
Hollywood used aliens as a metaphor for whom ?? hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... iiii mmmm dddd bbbb.... cccc oooo mmmm //// vvvv iiii dddd eeee oooo //// ssss cccc rrrr eeee eeee nnnn pppp llll aaaa yyyy //// vvvv iiii //// b. Popular movies reflects the fears of the time i. “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” ii. “War of the Worlds”
c. TV = Political Influence i.Senator Joseph McCarthy: Claimed to have list of known communists in state department… Targets government employees, those in the entertainment industry, educators, and union activists ii.HUAC = (House of Un-American Activities Committee) – investigated suspected communists in Hollywood
iii. Presidential debates (Kennedy / Nixon, 1960) iv. Civil Rights Movement – shows violence in South Reason for Nixon’s defeat…. Kennedy is just sooooo cute
2. Effect on technology a.Space Race i.US develops hydrogen bomb ii.Soviets develop Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles iii.Soviets launch sputnik: orbiting satellite iv.US (Neil Armstrong) lands on the moon (1969) b.Computers, televisions, cell phones
I’m gonna make bigger and better guns than you!!! HA!
3. Effect on education… Eisenhower’s response a.NASA – National Aeronautic Space Administration b.National Defense of Education Act of 1958: improve science and math in schools to defeat Soviets
a. Atomic Anxieties: “Duck-and-Cover Generation” b. Atomic Testing: i. U. S. exploded 217 nuclear weapons over Pacific and in Nevada. 4. Fear of nuclear war