I can generalise and develop a theory. I can change the prompt. I can comment on what I have noticed about the prompt, for example, I can identify a pattern and give an example based on the pattern. I can show whether the prompt is true or false. I can ask what the prompt means. Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your level of independence when posing questions and making statements.
I can reflect on the development of the Inquiry. I can decide what to do and plan multiple steps. I can set my own aims. I can explain my choice of ‘next step’. I can negotiate the aims of the Inquiry with the teacher and peers. I can choose a ‘next step’ which will move the Inquiry on. I can explain the aims set by the teacher. I can collaborate with another pupil to choose a ‘next step’. I can accept the aims set by the teacher. Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your level of independence when regulating the Inquiry.
I can enhance the development of the Inquiry and I can evaluate the Inquiry using specific mathematical terms. I can contribute to the decisions made by the group, I can analyse and explain using mathematical terms. I can work in a group and explain the Inquiry in mathematical terms. I can work in a group and describe the Inquiry in basic mathematical terms. Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your level of independence when collaborating and communicating.
I can seek out a new mathematical concept (idea) and procedure (method) apply them and evaluate how they moved the Inquiry on. I have attempted to apply a new mathematical concept (idea) and procedure (method) to the Inquiry. I can explain why a new mathematical procedure (method) is relevant to Inquiry. I can explain why a new mathematical concept (idea) is required to make progress in the Inquiry. I can explain why a new procedure (method) is required to make progress in the Inquiry. I understand how a familiar mathematical concept (idea) is applied to the Inquiry. I can use a familiar procedure (method) to generate more examples. Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your level of independence when using and applying new mathematical concepts and procedures.