4: Maths Assessment in Lessons (Van De Walle Ch 5) ETL123: Mathematics 4: Maths Assessment in Lessons (Van De Walle Ch 5)
Maths Assessment is . . . What do you think about when you think about Maths assessment?
What do you think about when you think about Maths assessment? Forms Tests? Quizzes? What else? Content Concepts? Procedures? What else? Purposes Check achievement? What else?
Why do we Assess? Monitor Progress (formative assessment) Make Instructional Decisions (LMP and LP) Evaluate Student Achievement (summative assessment) Evaluate Own Teaching Programme/Unit (reflection)
Mathematical Processes What do we Assess? Mathematical Knowledge Concepts Procedures Mathematical Processes Problem-solving Reasoning Communication Attitudes (cf: 5 strands of Maths proficiency: Conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning, productive disposition (Van der Walle p25)
Performance-Based Assessments The same task as a problem task (activity where there’s no one solution method) E.g. If you don’t know 12-7, what are some ways you could find the answer E.g Explain two different ways to do 4x276 in your head: which is easier and why? Would you use as different way to do 5x98? Why/not?
Difference between Teaching Task and Assessment Task: Assessment Rubrics Used to check level of performance in lesson objective(s) Simple Rubrics Performance Standard Statements Describes what different levels of performance looks like: share with students at start of task (Dim 1) Got it Not there yet Full achievement of objectives Substantial achievement of objectives Partial achievement of objectives Little achievement of objectives
Assessment Types Teacher Observations: notes, checklists (individual and class) Student Writing/Journals: express understandings, questions, attitudes, self-assessment Diagnostic Interviews: time-consuming but rich: e.g. Which is more? 4/4 or 4/8? Show your thinking. Tests: can go beyond low level ‘drill’
Assessment Grades: % or A-E Controversial/troublesome issue at times . . . What skill should matter most in overall grade . . .? Maths skills, concepts, explanations, problem-solving, attitude . . . What gets graded gets valued What do you think . . .?