You will receive an from HONORS, alerting you that allocation has opened for the month. Your will confirm that allocation period’s open and close dates. This is your signal to… 1
Log on to HONORS online, via the HON Ready Portal at 2
Click PA UPDATE TOOL, under PROGRAM ADMIN TOOLS, to view your dealership enrollment. 3
Verify that all participant information on your dealership list is accurate. To add a new participant, enter his/her address and social security number (no hyphens), and click Add. (To update a participant's information, contact Program Headquarters at or at 4
Click ALLOCATION RECAP, under PROGRAM ADMIN TOOLS, to review your dealership sales data. 5
Print the Allocation Recap. Review the orders against your dealer sales for the month. Determine which DSR’s should earn points and how many points to allocate to each, and include any notes that will assist you in filling out the allocation form. 6
When you are ready to allocate, click ALLOCATION FORM, under PROGRAM ADMIN TOOLS, to view your total points to be allocated. 7
To allocate at the purchase order level, click the purchase order number (PO#). Go to the box under DSR Names and select the appropriate name. 8
To split points among models, click the Model number (Model #). If allocating at the model level, be sure to save the information on the previous PO. Then enter the points for each DSR under the model level and save again. 9
When all points are allocated, the totals for each column will be equal. You cannot allocate more or less than the number of points on the allocation form. 10
To review your allocations, click on Allocation Report button at the bottom of the page. 11
After reviewing your Allocation Report, click the Back button to return to the Allocation Form to make any necessary changes. 12
Click the Submit button. 13
Allocations Confirmation screen will appear, indicating that your allocation process is complete. 14