ACQ to CAT Workflows Galadriel Lackey Library Technician III Acquisitions Department
Overview 15,000 to 20,000 ordered volumes to Cataloging annually 20 to 30% are order requests 3 to 5% received on standing order Remainder come from Yankee Approval Plan or GOBI claims
Web-based Order System
New Order Request
Searching the Catalog Series type (analytic, class together, or cataloged separately) Added copies Added volumes to classed together series Different editions Standing orders for monographic series
Example of notes in bib record
Provisional record template
Create Purchase Order in ACQ
Search to add line items
Select title
PO Quick Line Item
Delivery Options Tab
Approve the PO
Duplicate Order Warning
Submitting orders to vendors Orders for big jobbers (Baker & Taylor, Emery Pratt) are ordered directly at vendor website and we are invoiced later Orders for Midwest Library Service are submitted via EDI or less frequently, directly at their website A few orders are faxed, mailed, or phoned in. Credit card or invoice When we use expedited vendors (Amazon, Barnes & Noble) we pay with credit card
Yankee Approval Plan Workflow is “backwards” Books are received with PromptCat records Search the catalog and insert notes Search for extraneous records Make sure there is an open order Correct PO-Bib record links Proceed to check-in
Creating a new invoice
Add line items to invoice
Invoice quick line item
Special handling pop-up
View Marc record
Loading EDI Invoice
EDI Load verify
Load Summary Report
EDI Invoice Receiving
Detailed invoice line item
Receive / Mark Tab
Special handling pop-up
Notes tab: descriptive info
Bib record tab