Sample Questions for the Area of Study: Belonging & not belonging (Paper 1, Section iii).
Answering “Belonging” questions… The following questions are grouped according to the “type”- of - question. If you are able to confidently answer each “type” of question – you should be fine.
GENERAL QUESTIONS: PAST HSC ‘Understanding nourishes belonging. A lack of understanding prevents it.’ Demonstrate how your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own choosing represent this interpretation of belonging. You have been invited to speak at the book launch of a new collection of texts entitled “Belonging in our society.” In your speech, explain and assess the ways in which belonging is represented in the texts in the collection. You have been invited to write an article for a teenage magazine called “Youth and belonging.” In your article, analyse the ways in which belonging is represented in the texts you have studied.
To what extent do different groups to which we belong define who we are. In your answer refer to your prescribed text and two texts of your own choosing. Claude Levi Strauss once said ‘being human signifies, for each one of us, belonging to a class, society, a country and a civilization.’ Explain this statement with close reference to your prescribed text and a variety of supplementary texts of your own choosing. HOW BELONGING CREATES A SENSE OF IDENTITY
Identity : belonging & not belonging
Belonging to a community of group has a significant impact on an individual’s sense of self’ Discuss this statement, focusing on how the composers of the texts you have studies represent belonging. In your answer refer to your prescribed text and two texts of your own choosing. Belonging to a certain entity is the result of a particular identity. Discuss. In your answer refer to your prescribed text and two texts of your own choosing. HOW BELONGING CREATES A SENSE OF IDENTITY
‘Belonging is the cornerstone to finding identity in an individual’. To what extent is this true of your texts? In your answer refer to your prescribed text and two texts of your own choosing. Belonging has been said to shape our identity. How does our sense of belonging shape who we are as individuals? In your answer refer to your prescribed text and two texts of your own choosing. “Individuals have to first construct themselves, independently, before they can be a part of other things.” Is this your understanding of belonging?. In your answer refer to your prescribed text and two texts of your own choosing. HOW BELONGING CREATES A SENSE OF IDENTITY
BELONGING AND CONFORMITY Membership of any group requires obedience. Rules and conventions are the cornerstone of acceptance. What is the relationship between belonging and rules? In your answer refer to your prescribed text and two texts of your own choosing. Belonging is not always a good thing. What disadvantages are there for individuals and society in belonging? In your answer refer to your prescribed text and two texts of your own choosing.
Belonging relies on both conformity and individuality. The larger the crowd, the less the individuality. Draw upon your study of Belonging to examine this assertion. In your answer refer to your prescribed text and two texts of your own choosing. BELONGING AND CONFORMITY
To what degree has studying the concept of ‘belonging’ augmented your understanding of yourself, of others, and of the world? In your answer, refer to your own prescribed text and at least three other related texts of your own choosing. To what extent have your perceptions of belonging been influenced by the texts you’ve studied? In your answer, refer to your prescribed text and two other texts of your choosing.
DIFFICULTY / DUALITY OF BELONGING / NOT BELONGING “Despite an individual’s desire to belong to a group or community, this not always possible” How do the texts you have studies represent the processes and results of belonging and/or not belonging? In your answer, refer to your own prescribed text and at least three other related texts of your own choosing. Belonging to a group or community can provide opportunities and disappointments. To what extent do the texts you have studies support this idea? In your answer, refer to your own prescribed text and at least three other related texts of your own choosing.
“Not belonging is a far more difficult road to travel than that of belonging”. How does your prescribed texts and TWO other texts of your own choosing explore ideas of belonging and not belonging? DIFFICULTY / DUALITY OF BELONGING / NOT BELONGING
People experience a sense of belonging in varied and complex ways. How is this explored in the texts you have studied? In your answer, refer to your prescribed text and two text of your own choosing.
Need to Belong… Belonging is a fundamental part of society. Discuss this idea with reference to the core text and at least two of your related texts. Belonging is an instinctive human need in all of us. Discuss this idea with reference to the core text and at least two of your related texts.
The need to belong marks us as human and it is such connections that lead to fulfilment. After studying belonging, to what extent do you agree with this statement? In your answer, refer to your prescribed text and two text of your own choosing. Need to Belong…