Warm-UP #2 In your opinion, how does someone become a serial killer? Is there anything that serial killers might have in common?
Today’s objective and agenda Students will be able to begin to analyze the new unit question: What makes you who you are? in regards to the nature versus nurture debate by… 1.Do-now + video clip 2.Quick notes 3.Reading and gathering evidence 4.Socratic seminar 5.Paragraph write up 6.Closing
Questions for the film clip In this clip, what had the most impact on this girl? Is it science, her genes? Or her environment?
Unit 3 essential question: What makes us who we are?
3.1 Nature and nurture 1. Psychologists debate over whether nature or nurture has a more powerful impact on who people are
2. If nature has a stronger impact on who we are, this means: -genetics and DNA can determine the majority of who you are
3. If nurture has a stronger impact on who we are, this means: -the environment determines the majority of who you are
In your groups, read your “home” article and write down the responses in your notes. 3 important points that the article makes. 2 statements that support the article for nature v. nurture (this will reflect the students’ opinion if the article is more nature or nurture.) 1 question for the next group.
“Big Paper” Activity Groups rotate stations. The next group is required to respond to the question posed by the 1st group and provide evidence from the article and draw on knowledge gained from the previous article(s). The 2 nd group will also be required to pose a different question for the 3 rd group. ***Groups must discuss and agree on an answer and question to write for the next group! Each group will rotate through the 4 articles and write a response to the previous group’s point of view/questions and add their own knowledge.
Big Paper Summary Write a detailed paragraph responding to this question (use information learned from the articles!) What makes us who we are? Note: This is what I will collect for your grade! Points will be taken off from students who are off-task during rotations. Nature vs. Nurture BBC short doc:
Socratic seminar 1.Each group presents summary and main ideas on t-chart 2.Allows class to ask questions 3.Poses questions to the group to continue discussion 4.Repeat!
At the end of the work block, students should have the following products: 1.Annotated reading—highlight/underline and write thoughts in the text 2.Basic overview of the reading (approximately 3 sentence summary) 3.Additions to your nature versus nurture t- chart with 3-5 pieces of evidence from the readings 4.3 questions to ask the group to continue discussion on your topic