Abbreviated history of the Islamic world. -6000: Adam & Hawa.


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Presentation transcript:

Abbreviated history of the Islamic world

-6000: Adam & Hawa

-1800: Hagar & Ishmael in Saudi Arabia. The Zam-Zam source, Mecca, the Kabba…

Until +570: The prophets

+570: Birth of Muhammad Abu Talib adopted him

+610: Laylat al Qadr The Night of Power

Laylat al Miraj The Night Journey

+622: The Hijirah & the 1 st Ummah

+632: Death of Muhammad

From +640: The Caliphate

1 st caliph: Abu Bakr Gathering the dictations

2 nd caliph: Umar Expanding Islam

3 rd caliph: Uthman The Qur'an & the conquests

Ali, the lion of Allah The last caliph for all The 1 st Shi’a Imam

+670: Mu’awiya 5 th caliph The Sunni caliph – The Shi’a schism


+750: Abbasid dynasty

+750: Remnant Umayyad in Cordoba

The Middle Ages Muslim Golden Age under the Abbasid dynasty Middle Muslim Golden Age Middle Muslim Golden Age



+909: The Fatimids in Cairo

13 th c. Mongols eradicated the Abbasids

+1450: Ottomans conquered Constantinople

16 th c. Safavid dynasty in Iran

16 th c. Mughals in Delhi, India

19 th c. Napoleon in Egypt

19 th c. The British in India

19 th c. Western colonization New European supremacy

WWI: Collapse of the Ottoman Empire & end of the caliphate

1947 Creation of Pakistan

1970 The Islamic Republic of Iran