Collaborative TB/HIV Activities. Collaborative TB/HIV activities A.To establish the mechanisms for collaboration B.To decrease the burden of TB in PLWHA.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaborative TB/HIV Activities

Collaborative TB/HIV activities A.To establish the mechanisms for collaboration B.To decrease the burden of TB in PLWHA C.To decrease the burden of HIV in TB patients D.Political commitment, partnerships, and budgetary priority D.1.2

A. To establish the mechanisms for collaboration A.1 A coordinating body for TB/HIV activities that is effective at all levels A.2 Surveillance of HIV-prevalence among TB patients A.3 Joint TB/HIV planning A.4 Monitoring and evaluation Table 1. Recommended collaborative TB/HIV activities

B. To decrease the burden of TB in PLWHA B.1 Intensified TB case-finding B.2 Treatment of latent TB-infection (TB preventive therapy) B.3 TB infection control in health care and congregate settings

C. To decrease the burden of HIV in TB patients C.1 HIV testing and counselling C.2 HIV prevention methods C.3 Co-trimoxazole preventive therapy C.4 HIV/AIDS care and support C.5 Antiretroviral therapy

D. Political commitment, partnerships and budgetary priority D.1.1. National TB policy addresses links between TB and HIV D.1.2. National HIV/AIDS policy address links between TB and HIV D.2.1.Involvement of range of governmental, NGO, community and private partners D.3.1.Percentage of total budget required for planned collaborative TB/HIV activities that was actually available

Group work: Use indicators to collect data and to report performance Groups 1 and 2: Design an outline report to a minister of health on making progress in collaborative TB/HIV programme. Groups 3 and 4: Design a data collection form for a collaborative TB/HIV programme at district level.