Jeanne Johnson Beyond Group Homes
Funding Sources Housing Subsidy Based on the Division of Housing and Community Renewal Standards 30% of the individual’s net income – Utility/Insurance Offset Difference between Housing Subsidy and Actual Rent may be funded through: SSI Wages Private monies What is the role of the FI in pulling the funding sources together?
FI Requirements – Lease with Rent information Participant must have tenancy rights Participant must sign the lease Tax Documentation for Landlord Documentation of Rent Payment FI assists with facilitating the funds so that rent is paid in a timely manner What is the role of the FI in pulling the funding sources together?
How can the FI Help? Difficulty getting money for security and first month’s rent before signing a lease Prior to lease signing – FI can pay first months rent and security with proper documentation from the landlord. Ex. Application, approval letter, etc. Advocacy Issues
How can the FI Help? When management companies object to giving leases to people with I/DD who are primarily supported by government funding We have provided letters to the individual when they are searching which identifies the SD program and the availability funds Advocacy Issues
The Individual Participant has the Ultimate Responsibility Lease is in their name Possibly a family co-signer Supports: Circle of Support Broker Fiscal Intermediary Who has the ultimate responsibility of paying the lease??
Transition Stipend Once in a lifetime $3000 in moving expenses Furniture Housewares Moving expenses Not consumables Up to one month Security Deposit Based on the DHCR standard Transition Services
CTS – Community Transition Services Once in a lifetime Must be moving from a Certified Setting to qualify Additional $3000 in moving expenses Furniture Housewares Moving expenses Additional Security Utility Set Up Fees (No Cable) Not consumables Transition Services
A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams. - Anonymous Questions?