11/13/2012.  The Fermi Site Office (FSO) manages the DOE performance-based management and operating contract for the safe, secure, effective, and efficient.


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Presentation transcript:


 The Fermi Site Office (FSO) manages the DOE performance-based management and operating contract for the safe, secure, effective, and efficient operation of Fermilab  FSO supports the Office of Science (SC) mission to foster basic and applied research programs which advance the science and technology foundations necessary to accomplish DOE missions. FSO’s roles include: 2

 Serve as local SC representative and Site’s owner/landlord  Provide Federal Project Director Service to all large projects  Evaluate contract performance and deliverables through the Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP).  Deliver government-furnished services and Contracting Officer approvals necessary for mission success  Maintain partnering with FRA on Laboratory stewardship activities including evaluation of facilities, equipment, scientific expertise for alignment with future Laboratory missions, and Technology Transfer 3

 Co-Operative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA)  Work For Others (WFO)  User Facility Agreements  Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) o As a National Laboratory, FNAL is prohibited from competing with the private sector (SBIR/STTR) o If SBIR/STTR assistance requested from FRA is available in the private sector, FRA cannot partner o Successful awards are deployed via CRADA, WFO or subcontracting mechanisms. o An excellent source of information on current SBIR/STTR solicitations (and all things SBIR/STTR) is - Each method has its purpose - Methods vary in areas of cost, intellectual property, agreement terms, etc. - Method used is Fermilab’s decision 4

 Industry must work directly with Fermi Research Alliance, LLC. (FRA) in preparation of proposal Industry submits proposal to FRA (Fermilab) FRA submits proposal & documentation to DOE-FSO for approval ◦ User Facility: FRA would need to have an approved User Facility and procedures. DOE would not review individual users. 5

 This is a DOE Facility  DOE approval is a statutory requirement (Stevenson- Wydler Technology Innovation Act)  What does DOE review? ◦ Counterintelligence ◦ Competitiveness ◦ Administrative cost exemptions ◦ And many more… 6