The Fermi Site Office (FSO) manages the DOE performance-based management and operating contract for the safe, secure, effective, and efficient operation of Fermilab FSO supports the Office of Science (SC) mission to foster basic and applied research programs which advance the science and technology foundations necessary to accomplish DOE missions. FSO’s roles include: 2
Serve as local SC representative and Site’s owner/landlord Provide Federal Project Director Service to all large projects Evaluate contract performance and deliverables through the Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP). Deliver government-furnished services and Contracting Officer approvals necessary for mission success Maintain partnering with FRA on Laboratory stewardship activities including evaluation of facilities, equipment, scientific expertise for alignment with future Laboratory missions, and Technology Transfer 3
Co-Operative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA) Work For Others (WFO) User Facility Agreements Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) o As a National Laboratory, FNAL is prohibited from competing with the private sector (SBIR/STTR) o If SBIR/STTR assistance requested from FRA is available in the private sector, FRA cannot partner o Successful awards are deployed via CRADA, WFO or subcontracting mechanisms. o An excellent source of information on current SBIR/STTR solicitations (and all things SBIR/STTR) is - Each method has its purpose - Methods vary in areas of cost, intellectual property, agreement terms, etc. - Method used is Fermilab’s decision 4
Industry must work directly with Fermi Research Alliance, LLC. (FRA) in preparation of proposal Industry submits proposal to FRA (Fermilab) FRA submits proposal & documentation to DOE-FSO for approval ◦ User Facility: FRA would need to have an approved User Facility and procedures. DOE would not review individual users. 5
This is a DOE Facility DOE approval is a statutory requirement (Stevenson- Wydler Technology Innovation Act) What does DOE review? ◦ Counterintelligence ◦ Competitiveness ◦ Administrative cost exemptions ◦ And many more… 6