Junior Assessment of Mathematics (JAM) Michelle Wetherall & Kim Bulluss m.wetherall@auckland.ac.nz k.bulluss@auckland.ac.nz
Objectives To inform teachers about the tool. To support teachers to know how to use and understand the tool. To support teachers to understand the results of students responses to the questions asked in the tool.
What is JAM? The Junior Assessment of Mathematics tool is designed to Be used with students in years 1 - 3. Provide a range of tasks that will allow the teacher to assess student achievement in relation to Level 1 and 2 of the New Zealand Curriculum. An assessment made up of 9 modules covering number strategy/knowledge and the Algebra, Geometry (Statistics) and Measurement strands.
What is JAM (cont’d) Replaces the diagnostic interview (NumPA). May be used, as one of many sources of evidence, to support making an overall teacher judgment. Does NOT assess all concepts in the knowledge domains or strands. May need to be further supported by the use of GLoSS for those students , in Year 1-3, who are beginning to work in Stage 5.
The Modules Each module can be used separately or modules can be combined to provide a broader assessment. Can be used to provide both beginning and end information about students progress during a period of learning Teachers will need to select modules relevant to the needs of the students. It is not expected that a student would complete this interview in one sitting.
Nine modules to assess….. Number Strategy Module One - Additive Strategies Module Two- Multiplicative and Fraction Strategies Number Knowledge Module Three - Forward and Backward Number Sequences Module Four - Fraction Knowledge Module Five - Place Value Knowledge Module Six - Basic Facts Knowledge Other Strands Module Seven - Algebra (Patterns) Module Eight - Geometry (Shapes) and Statistics (Sorting) Module Nine - Measurement (Length)
What materials are required? The Teacher guide A copy of the assessment booklet Copies of the students response recording sheet Two pieces of card for masking Twenty counters Twenty interlocking cubes of one colour Fraction cards made from Copymaster One (ref Module 4) Dot strips made from Copymaster Two (ref module 5) Strips made from Copymaster Three (ref module 9) Two sets of attribute blocks with a variety of different shaped and coloured tiles or blocks Objects such as counters, A4 paper, paper clips,string, rulers, Cuisenaire blocks (for module 9)
Lets have a look at the Number Strategy modules What do you notice? What is similar to to what we already do and know? What is different? Module 5 - requirement of Subitising to 10 - might need to demo this part for the teachers. What does this look like with students? DVD time/ use data from glenfield kids
The Student Response Recording Sheet Is broken into the nine modules to allow you to record the students response/s to each module asked. eg if Natalie is asked Task 1B we should be recording her actions and statement “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.” while noting that she was looking ahead. This will be recorded in the box under EARLY LEVEL ONE. If we ask the next task we can record the response in the next box or decide if the student is showing counting on behaviour then record the students action and response in the box.
What is different in the Number Knowledge Module? Module Five Task 5A ask us to find out how well students can subitise. Subitising means to quickly see a pattern and recognise how many items there are.
The Strands: modules (7 - 9) Algebra (Patterns) Geometry (Shape) and Statistics (Sorting) Measurement (Length) What tasks do the students do for each of the modules and how will we rate them?
Algebra - patterns Can the students continue a pattern? Do they create their own pattern and describe it? Can they continue a two-attribute pattern and name the nth term in the pattern? Will work with the teachers to create the patterns and understand what is meant by 1 variable then what is meant by 2 variable in the pattern
Geometry (Shape) & Statistics (Sorting) Can the student sort by a self-chosen category? Can they re-organise a group that has subcategories into those categories?
Measurement - Length Can the student directly compare two lengths? Can the student choose an appropriate unit of measure? Can the student successfully use a unit of measure with accuracy?
In Conclusion Feedback – form to fill in Access Mathematics Symposium resources and links online http://teamsolutions.wikispaces.com Educational Leaders Website http://www.educationalleaders.govt.nz