Spanish-American War American Neo-Imperialism And American Foreign Policy
Platt Amendment (1901) U.S.-Cuban Agreement: Never to sign a treaty with foreign power that impairs independence.Never to sign a treaty with foreign power that impairs independence. Never to build up an excessive public debtNever to build up an excessive public debt To permit the U.S. to intervene in Cuba’s affairs to preserve its independence and maintain law and orderTo permit the U.S. to intervene in Cuba’s affairs to preserve its independence and maintain law and order To allow the U.S. to maintain naval bases in Cuba, including one at Guantanamo Bay.To allow the U.S. to maintain naval bases in Cuba, including one at Guantanamo Bay.
Open Door Policy with China John Hay – spheres of influence Boxer Rebellion Hay’s Second Note: 1.Preserve China’s territorial integrity 2.Safeguard “equal and impartial trade with all parts of the Chinese empire.”
Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Policy Big Stick Policy –“speak softly and carry a big stick” –Strong Military but use diplomacy Dollar Diplomacy –Using foreign aid to ($) manipulate other nations. - Builds dependency Moral Diplomacy –Right past wrongs. –US to expand the Constitution and Progressive Reforms.
Panama Canal Rationale for Canal: –Revolution in Panama – Columbian Influence –U.S. connection from Pacific to Atlantic Military Imperialism and trade / spheres of influence Future income from use Limit availability and control/persuade other nations for use agreements.
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901) Great Britain agreed to abrogate an earlier 1850 agreement in which a Central American canal would be U.S. and British. Abrogate = cancel U.S. can now build canal without British cow can this be seen as a quid-pro-quo concerning American intervention in Venezuela –Guyana (Britain – Venezuela)
Building the Canal Started in 1904 – completed in 1914 George Goethals and Dr.William Gorgas –Goethals: Chief engineer and canal zone administrator –Gorgas: Minimizes yellow fever do to mosquitoes
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Latin American financial debt to Europe. –1902 – British war ships dispatched to Venezuela for repayment of debt. –1904 – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: European repayment of debt. –Dec – U.S. will intervene instead. (Roosevelt Corollary) U.S. would occupy major ports collection of taxes to satisfy foreign debt. – Lodge Corollary
Roosevelt Corollary in Use Over the next 20yrs: –Haiti –Honduras –Dominican Republic –Nicaragua –Long-term result is U.S. negative (resented) relationship with Latin America.
Presidency in Trouble Latin America angered at T.R.’s role in Panama Revolution. Teller Amendment – U.S. limited imperialists Philippine and Cuban Annexation are contended and quite different. The U.S. has an Interventionist motive. In 1921, U.S. will pay Columbia $25 million for its loss of Panama.