Shiqiu Primary School Miss Zhao 朋友 吃 Shiqiu Primary School Talk about Miss Zhao 根据图片信息谈论赵老师.


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Presentation transcript:

Shiqiu Primary School Miss Zhao

朋友 吃 Shiqiu Primary School Talk about Miss Zhao 根据图片信息谈论赵老师

Is he from our planet ? 星球 planet Sam

Talk about Sam. 描述 Sam 的外部特征

river 河流

Watch and answer Is he happy on our planet? Micky Mimi

Why? Talk and say Tip: 想想 Sam 为 什么不开心, 和同桌讨论 Our planet changed. 改变

Read and fill the form Our planet changed. Before Now We must save our planet.

Listen and repeat One night, a small green visitor came to our planet. He was from another planet.

Listen and repeat The computer on his body said that there were many trees on our planet. Where are the trees?

Listen and repeat The green visitor looked for water. His computer said our planet had clean water. Where is the river?

Listen and repeat In the morning, the green visitor met Micky and Mimi. Are you a tiger? Are you a panda? There are no more tigers and pandas ? No, I’m a cat. No, I’m a monkey.

Listen and repeat The visitor told Mimi and Micky that he came from another planet. He said, “You must save your planet.” Are you a koala? Come here,Mimi. He is a rare animal. No, I’m not a rare animal.

Listen and repeat Mimi and Micky ran to school to tell their teacher. But the visitor flew back to his planet. They must save their planet? Really ?

Read in four. Choose one way to read. (每一小 组选择一种方式读课文) Read in roles. ( 分角色读 ) Follow one student. ( 一个跟一个读 ) Read together. (齐读) Read after a classmate 跟一 个同学读 Read

Act One is Sam. One is Micky. One is Mimi. Others read aside. (选三人扮演,其他人 读旁白)

Retell the story 参照黑板板书来复述 课文内容。

Know more

How to save our planet? Save our planet, Save our life.

Homework: 1.Read the passage influently. 熟练朗读 课文 2.Design a slogan to protect our planet. 设计一个标语来保护我们的星球。