Produced for Fifth grade students by Ramona Atkins
Hurricane Katrina passed Florida and continued its path as it slammed into the Gulf of Mexico on Aug. 29, It registered as a category 4 hurricane. It was a disaster for Louisiana and Mississippi. It was one of the worst recorded hurricanes in the United States. It had a 90,000 square miles disaster zone—equivalent to the size of Great Britain.
What is a hurricane? What is a category 4 hurricane? Why did this affect the world?
A hurricane is a severe tropical cyclone that begins near the warmth of the equator or the open ocean and carries a lot of rain with it as it moves inland. A hurricane has a wind speed that is greater than 74 miles per hour. Hurricanes are measured by the intensity of four conditions: Atmospheric pressure Wind speed Storm surge Potential damage
Over a million people were displaced. Over 1,800 died from the effects of the hurricane.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Katrina Relief Part I - Superdome New Orleans
Hurricane Katrina – (Listen To Your Heart)
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The world will not easily forget an event this big and this costly.
Hurricane Katrina affected both the rich and the poor, the young and the old, the American and those across seas. She did not choose a skin color, a race, a religion, a gender; she chose all in her path.
There was a lot of disappointment in people and government. There was a lot of love from neighbors and nations. Hurricane Katrina made history and changed the way disasters would be handled in the future—it made America create new laws and look at the safety of her own people. It made the world stop and think, listen and learn. That is history in the making and we are all a part of it.
The End
Dolfman, Michael L. “The effects of Hurricane Katrina on the New Orleans economy.”Monthly Labor Review. June Web. 6 Dec “Games postponed due to Hurricane Katrina.” ESPN College Football, 30 Aug Web. 7 Dec “How is a Hurricane Measured.”Oracle Think Quest Education Foundation. Web. 6 Dec “Hurricane Katrina.”Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 4 Dec Web. 7 Dec Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. “Hurricane Katrina's Aftermath.” American Express Publishing Corporation, 1997 – Web. 7 Dec “List of Schools Impacted by Hurricane Katrina.” U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. U.S Dept of Homeland Security, 16 Dec Web. 6 Dec “NOAA FISHERIES SERVICE RESCUES THE LAST FOUR TRAINED DOLPHINS WASHED INTO MISSISSIPPI SOUND AFTER HURRICANE KATRINA.”NOAA Magazine. Web. 7 Dec Nwazota, Kristina. “After Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina Underscores Tenuous State of U.S. Oil Refining Industry.” Online NewsHour. MacNeil/Lehrer Production, 9 Sept Web. 5 Dec Shah, Anup. “Hurricane Katrina.” Global Issues. 13 Nov Web. 5 Dec < Pictures: %3Aappid%3D289%3Auid%3D656b52cc654a6100%3Auc%3D %3Aq%3DTravel+and+LeisureNovember+2005http%3A aftermathHurricane+Katrina%27s+Aftermath%3Asrc%3Dieb%3Ao%3D %3Aappid%3D289%3Auid%3D656b52cc654a6100%3Auc%3D %3Aq%3DTravel+and+LeisureNovember+2005http%3A aftermathHurricane+Katrina%27s+Aftermath%3Asrc%3Dieb%3Ao%3D ttp:// e+katrina+pict&sp=1&sc=8-22#x0y1854