6 ACCAN Priorities in the interest of consumers Teresa Corbin CEO, ACCAN
No Ports Only voice services guaranteed Lack of information Repeated failures Poor to no captioning Outside fixed footprint No mobile coverage ‘Underserved’ Digital First Cost No guarantees Charged more for being low income Content
6 Priorities Improved affordability for low income consumers Future protections and universal communications services Better services for poorly served areas Improved consumer decision making Improved accessibility Fair access to content
1. Improved affordability for low income consumers Lack of products that are sufficiently flexible that address barriers faced by low income consumers Conference sessions highlighted barriers and groups of consumers that face issues.
2. Future protections and universal communications services Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) Wholesale level guarantees Universal Service Obligation (USO) Regional Telecommunication Independent Review Committee (RTIRC) paper and findings
3. Better services for poorly served areas Coordinated approach Interim solutions for ‘underserved’ areas Increased mobile coverage – Mobile Black Spot Programme round 1 & 2
4. Improved consumer decision making Information supplied to consumers – ACCC broadband performance monitoring – Research on consumer knowledge from information provided at point of purchase – Progression on Harper recommendation on informed choice recommendations
5. Improved accessibility DTO Web video captioning Broadcast captioning
6. Fair access to content Using the market rather than regulation to combat piracy Net neutrality in an Australian context