Seattle Community Colleges District IT Advisory Committee Information Technology Services Customer Service Survey Results Fall, 2009 Information Technology Services Customer Service Survey Results Fall, 2009
The Survey Distributed online May, 2009 To Faculty and Staff At all campuses Distributed online May, 2009 To Faculty and Staff At all campuses
Survey Respondents by Campus Survey Respondents by Campus
Survey Respondents by Type of User Survey Respondents by Type of User Students are not proportionately represented because the survey was not officially distributed to students – some campuses had more students respond. Some had none. User data by job type is less useful in comparisons where n<5
Needs FairSatisfactoryGoodExcellent Improvement Timely Response to Requests28 8.4% % % % % Quality of Service26 7.8% % % % % Customer Service Level30 9.0% % % % % Maintain Daily IT needs % % % % % Innovative IT Solutions % % % % % Scored Responses Across All Campuses
All campuses score high on day-to-day customer helpdesk Consistent lower scores on Innovation
Responses by Campus
Qualitative Scoring Methodology Subcommittee of Faculty & Staff All text responses read individually and categorized based on content Categories created based on customer comments Categories clustered Category Clusters Customer Contact Management Management and Decision Making Hardware and Infrastructure Non-IT Supported Categories Innovation IT Consolidation / Collaboration
Customer Contact Management This is the most visible cluster of categories found in the qualitative data from the survey. It includes comments about customer service and communication, which is difficult to measure and compare across the different campuses. It should be noted that some of the respondents shared a level of frustration that indicated that, at all 5 locations, IT needs to make a far greater effort to be perceived as listening to the needs of its users and keeping users informed about technology changes that affect them in their jobs. This might include more frequent surveys, focus groups, more pro- active and inclusive contact with faculty and staff. Positive Communication Negative Communication Positive Customer Service Negative Customer Service Notifications of Changes Administrative Rights for Users Department Specific Tech Support Evening or Home Coverage Remote Access User Training Non-Standard Accommodation Includes both positive and negative comments about the IT Department’s level of customer service and communication. This category also includes evening coverage, remote access, and user training – all of which were requested by users as a way to improve the customer experience. Some specific requests were for users to have administrative rights on their own computers, or for departments to have their own dedicated tech support. Positive and Negative Customer Service and Communication refer to areas where IT departments either excel or need to improve. Negative communication generally refers to comments about not getting the word out about changes or innovations.
Positive and Negative Communication by Campus and Employee Type This is a comparison of each campus’ communication, positive vs negative. The communication category refers to comments from users pertaining to the give and take of information with the IT department staff. Positive Communication includes comments like “They clearly explained …” or “They are well in touch with us …” Negative Communication includes comments from users who feel that IT needs to do a better job of “getting the word out” about changes to the system, new technologies, etc. This category incorporates comments about a lack of communication rather than bad communication per se. Comments in this category also clearly indicate a need for IT to listen better to its customers before taking action. Suggested action items from respondents: More regular surveys of users Focus groups with faculty, staff, and students More user training – classes and one-on-one
Positive and Negative Customer Service by Campus and Employee Type This category refers to comments from users pertaining to levels of customer service from the IT Department. Positive Customer Service includes comments like “They are always there when I need them.” There are several references to good problem solving skills, fast response, good turnaround time. Negative Customer Service includes comments like “I can never find them when I need them.” There are references to IT staff treating users in a less than respectful way, treating them like they were “stupid.” Comments in this category referred to fixing things at times that were inconvenient for users without proper notification, speaking down to users, and not being accessible. Interesting notes: some comments fell into both the negative and positive customer service categories. some campus customer service comments were actually referring to customer service from District or SBCTC-IT. customer service at the help desk level received mostly positive comments; however, second level support and management decisions received more negative comments.
Management and Decision Making Management / Decision Making Funding IT Planning Purchasing IT This cluster includes customer comments about improved IT management overall, including increased collaboration and cooperation with faculty, students and staff in IT decision-making. The categories of IT Planning and Purchasing fall into the Management / Decision Making purview as well. Comments in this area refer to IT’s need to share decision-making or to better incorporate user input in management planning.
Hardware and Infrastructure This cluster includes those items that customers saw as lacking or causing them problems such as old desktop or server hardware that caused slowness or system crashes. It also includes requests for better wireless coverage and additional support for MAC’s and printing. Hardware Storage Space Slowness Mac Support Printing Wireless / Mobile Supp
It should be noted that all campuses were scored lower on customer service in the following categories, over which campus-based IT services at most campuses have no control to improve service levels, like , eLearning, HP3000 support, physical facilities, including construction, HVAC, etc. Non-IT Supported Categories Problems Non-standard accommodation eLearning HP3000 Issues Facilities / Construction / HVAC Classroom modifications Non-IT Supported A consideration for Enterprise IT is that support of some of these non-IT areas is not consistent across campuses in the District or the State. TLC, Media Services, and eLearning vary in their reporting. This category also includes some non-supported items like requests for various software packages or technologies that only serve the needs of one class or one person, or which conflict with standard IT configurations. An example would be support of televisions on campus.
Innovation This cluster includes the many customer requests (and some accolades) for electronic forms, simplified and automated processes, and recommendations for some open-source and / or lower cost solutions to ongoing issues, like student accounts. Comments about Citrix (positive and negative) fall into this category, as well as electronic personnel forms and processes. This may be the area in which IT can make the most visible progress in meeting users’ needs. Help Ticket System Process Improvement Data Mining / Reporting Unified Login Automated Password reset Innovation Web Design Software Student /Apps
IT Consolidation / Collaboration This cluster includes comments recommending (or in one case, not recommending) standardization and / or consolidation of IT Services across the multiple locations of the District. SVI had no comments for or against these categories. The proposal has not been publicized much beyond top management and the District IT Advisory Committee, so a high rate of response was not expected. Consolidation Standardization
Campus Based Analysis This section measures how each campus scored on the various qualitative categories
Central Positive and Negative Communication by Campus and Employee Type
Positive and Negative Customer Service by Campus and Employee Type Central
Management and Decision Making Central
Hardware / Network / Infrastructure Central
Non-IT Supported Categories
Innovation Central
Innovation Central
IT Consolidation / Standardization
South Positive and Negative Communication by Campus and Employee Type
Positive and Negative Customer Service by Campus and Employee Type South
Management and Decision Making South
Hardware / Network / Infrastructure South
Non-IT Supported Categories South
Innovation South
Innovation South
IT Consolidation / Standardization South
North Positive and Negative Communication by Campus and Employee Type
Positive and Negative Customer Service by Campus and Employee Type North
Management and Decision Making North
Hardware / Network / Infrastructure North
Non-IT Supported Categories North
Innovation North
Innovation North
IT Consolidation / Standardization North
SVI Positive and Negative Communication by Campus and Employee Type
Positive and Negative Customer Service by Campus and Employee Type SVI
Management and Decision Making SVI No data was reported in this category for SVI
Hardware / Network / Infrastructure SVI
Non-IT Supported Categories SVI
Innovation SVI
IT Consolidation / Standardization SVI No data was reported in this category for SVI
District Positive and Negative Communication by Campus and Employee Type
Positive and Negative Customer Service by Campus and Employee Type District
Management and Decision Making District
Hardware / Network / Infrastructure District
Non-IT Supported Categories District
Innovation District
IT Consolidation / Standardization District
IT Services Responses to Survey Recommendations