I wake up at 6:15am but I take absolutely ages to wake up! I always want to stay in bed because it is sooo comfortable! Nearly every morning I have a shower to wake me up before school. I get in to my itchy Gordano uniform and then pack my bag with the books needed for the day. My Bed!
For my breakfast I have a small glass of Tropicana orange juice and a slice of toast or a bowl of fruit and muesli! My favourite fruit is a kiwi! My Teachers say that breakfast is helpful to get a good start to your day but I am never hungry on a morning.
My mum gives me and my sister a lift in the car to school but we have to walk home! ! My Car!
No Miss! Yes Miss!
Before we go to our first lesson, we go to the maths and social studies block to take the register. We read our books and talk to our tutors then the bell goes and we all run off to our different lessons. Maths Block!
My Pm - On a Wednesday afternoon the whole year does something called my pm. It is something that includes nearly every subject. ICT - I love ICT it is sooo cool! LOL!!! =]
Normally I absolutely HATE P.E. but sometimes it is ok and my teacher is really nice so I started to like it as I came to Gordano! Click to see video!!
At lunchtimes I meet up with my friends from other classes and we eat lunch in the old hall. Sometimes I ask Mr. Humphreys if I can go into the computer sweet and work on my presentation. I also go into my locker and change my books to the right ones for the next 2 lessons. The Elliot Room next to the small hall.
I walk home every day with my sister and my friend, Duygu. We walk along the high street and then up a hill until we reach our houses. Sometimes we stop in some shops in the high street and buy lots of SWEETS!!!
As soon as I get home I do my homework that I have recorded in my journal! The only homework I actually like doing is art!!! =]
When I have finished my homework mum calls me & my sister for tea and my favourite is stir-fry!!!! The Tele! The Laptop! Pizza!!!!! =]=]=]
I go to bed at 10:00pm and I fall asleep really quickly because bed is sooo comfortable! My teddy is called pink teddy and I have had him since I was born. I love him sooo much & he/she is really cute! I think it’s a she but I usually call him a he so I just go with either!!!! Pink Teddy is way cuter than this!!