A GENDA Welcome Teacher’s Introduction 5 th Grade Expectations Communication with Parents Other STAAR Testing SSI Passing/Retention STAAR Test The Road to STAAR STAAR A – Grade-level computer-based Things to Keep in Mind Closure Thank you so much for coming today, we’re all in this together!
T EACHER ’ S I NTRODUCTION Bilingual: Ms. Ramirez (Reading) Ms. Urenda (Science) Ms. Lara (Math) Gen Ed: Ms. Que (Reading Bilingual and Gen Ed.) Mr. Venable (Science) Mr. Hobbs (Math)
5 TH G RADE E XPECTATIONS - A CADEMICS Math Reading Science Social Studies ACP’s will average into the students’ grades (it will factor into 5% of grading policy).
5 TH G RADE E XPECTATIONS - B EHAVIOR Rewards and consequences Students are expected to follow rules at all times. Field Trips If parents wish to accompany our students during Field Trips, they will have to be cleared as a volunteer BEFORE the field trip date through a background check. School Events Field day, In-House field trips, class celebrations, Pre-Awards day activities, etc.
C OMMUNICATION WITH P ARENTS Thursday Folder School flyers Please read all flyers so you are aware of important information Teacher/Parent notes Call school, leave message. Send note with student. Parent Conferences Please be aware special scheduling may be arranged to meet with parents. 10 minutes long approx.
O THER Uniform Enforce school uniform policy. Supplies Please provide students with supplies (Kleenex, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, etc). School Events WE NEED YOU please support our school activities. Be an ACTIVE participant in your kids’ learning, etc.
Enrollment FORMS…
SSI The Student Success Initiative applies to grades 5 and 8. “…A student may advance to the next grade level only by passing these tests or by unanimous decision of his or her grade placement committee that the student is likely to perform at grade level after additional instruction…” “…The goal of the SSI is to ensure that all students receive the instruction and support they need to be academically successful…” What this means…… Information from: The Texas Education Agency website
P ASSING AND R ETENTION The ideal situation is for a student to pass his/her tests at the 1 st administration. Reading tested 2 times during school year Math tested 2 times during school year Science tested 1 time during school year If they have not passed their tests in the regular school year, they have to attend summer school and take their 3 rd test administration (Reading and Math only).
STAAR TEST The STAAR tests are demanding. The child is required to stay focused for a period of 4 hrs. Please have your child eat a good breakfast and go to bed early. Tests dates: Check the student calendar to confirm final testing dates.
T HE R OAD TO STAAR The students will be preparing for the STAAR test in all content areas through classroom activities, assessments and homework. Interventions will be provided in the form of tutoring (more details as the dates approach). If students are not completing their homework assignments, they will have to make it up.
Your role as a parent: Please continue to support your child by making sure they complete their classwork, projects and homework assignments. Also, please talk to your child about what he/she has learned. Please reinforce your child’s commitment to learn. We have a commitment to learning everyday. We prepare for our STAAR goals EVERYDAY. Thank you to those parents that have been supportive from Day 1. T HE R OAD TO STAAR
I F YOUR CHILD TOOK STAAR A LAST YEAR … Refer to special education teacher Ms. Chapa for more information. If you have not received any notification regarding this type of test, DO NOT WORRY, disregard this message. Some students pre-qualify for this type of assessment.
T HINGS TO KEEP IN MIND The student should not miss more than 18 days of school (your child needs to be present 90% of the time in the regular school year). Otherwise they may be required to attend summer school. If your child fails 2 six weeks in a content area, he/she may potentially be retained. If your child fails the STAAR test, he/she will be retained.