HER PORTRAIT NAME : Lena Sophie Heinze YEARS : 13 FAMILY : she has got a mother her name is Beate she is very friendly and a father hiS name is Holger he is very funny HOBBIES: Reading, swimming and meetig with her friends.
A TYPICAL DAY She gets up at 6:15,she has breakfast. A typical breakfast is milk and cereals.She goes to school by tram. After school she goes home and she does her homework. After she meets her friends and she goes home at 6:15. She has dinner with her family at 7:00. A typical dinner is chiken or pizza because IT is her favourite food. She has a shOWer and she goes to bed at 10:00.
A typical weekend SATURDAY: She gets up at 9:00 and has breakfast, then she does her homework. After she meets her friends and she goes to Hannover. She goes shopping and eatS in the city. At 6:30 she goes home and has dinner with her family. She goes to bed at 12:00. SUNDAY : She gets up at 10:00 and has breakfast, then she meets her friends and goes home at 3:30. She stays in her house and she has dinner at 7:30. She goes to bed at 10:30.
DIFFERENCES The lessons of school The food Schedule Their transport The temperature
LIKES AND DISLIKES I like the food and the school I don´t like de temperature because it´s very cold and the schedule
Paula cameselle gutiérrez 2º A, Number 4 THE END