Background of the Problem: By not obtaining one’s BSN a nurse may start to find it hard to find employment in the future (, ). Nurses for the Future also states that “IOM has called for discontinuing hospital diploma programs entirely” (Nurses for the Future, 2011). Supporting Information: “It is up to the individual to continue to develop professionally by acquiring new skills and knowledge” (Masters, 2014). One of the articles stated that “The main difference in study between an ADN and BSN is the emphasis on additional education in leadership and management, wellness, and community nursing” (, ).It also believes nurses who obtain their BSN are more prepared to meet the patient’s needs (, ). Goals and Objectives: As a goal it may help to define a 5-year plan to keep on track. This is defined as “a plan that enables you to set up clear objectives while allowing for flexibility in adjusting to changing life circumstances” (Masters, 2014). Why obtain a BSN? Sara Thomas, RN Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing Statistics: “Approximately 60% of new nurses graduate from associates degree programs, 36% from bachelor’s degree programs, and 3% from hospital-sponsored diploma programs” (Nurses for the Future, 2011). The article leads the reader to the conclusion that nurses who pursue their BSN often times continue on to even higher education. To support that the article states that “For every 1000 nurses who initially graduated from a bachelor’s degree program between 1974 and 1994, almost 200 eventually obtained a master’s degree or higher” (Nurses for the Future, 2011). It also states that “only 58 of every 1000 nurses who initially graduated from an associate’s degree program obtained at least a master’s degree” (Nurses for the Future, 2011). Conclusion: The benefits to obtaining a BSN are clear. There will be more career opportunities for nurses who have their BSN than nurses who acheive on their ASN. (, ). Nurses for the Future states “that some states now permit community colleges to grant bachelor’s degrees in nursing, which is a reasonable solution” (Nurses for the Future, 2011). I wish they were starting this when I was going for my RN. There are going to be so many more opportunities for me in the future after obtaining my BSN. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for my career. References: Masters, K. (2014). Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning. Nursing Articles To BSN or not to BSN- That is the nurse’s question! ( ). Retrieved from bsn-nurse.htm bsn-nurse.htm The New England Journal of Medicine. Nurses for the Future. (2011). Retrieved from dt-content-rid _1/courses/NUR FA/Nurses%20for%20FutureAiken%20%282009%29.pdf dt-content-rid _1/courses/NUR FA/Nurses%20for%20FutureAiken%20%282009%29.pdf