The specific support needs of female offenders and the role of family support in sustained recovery Lauren Benham
Contents Phoenix Futures and our work in prisons Through The Gate provision at HMP’S Holloway and Pentonville The role of family support in sustained recovery The support needs of female offenders and how we address them
Recovery Capital
Building Futures treatment model Case Management Team Assessments, 1:1 key- working, onward referrals Interventions Team Psychosocial group delivery Community Engagement Team Family support Through The Gate Young Persons TTG Our work in prisons
Phoenix Plus Phoenix Plus Housing Phoenix Plus Community Engagement Phoenix Plus Education & Employability Phoenix Plus Family & Carers
Family Support 1:1 key working Mediation Children and Family visits presence Family interventions: Families in Recovery, Families Anonymous, All About Mum, Story Sacks
Involving families post-release Prison services Pre-release planning meetings 3 months family support post-release; 1:1 key working, signposting and referrals, practical support e.g. grant applications Practical advice for families: 1.Set clear boundaries 2.Write down behaviours that cross the boundary 3.Stick to ‘healthy consequences’ 4.Support group 5.Acknowledge the cycle of change 6.No enabling!!
Involving families post-release Residential service Visits – increased family contact throughout treatment, inc overnight stays and debriefing with family members Care plan reviews FLAMES programme – 3 hour monthly workshop to coincide with family visit – open support and advice + guest speaker to share their story + ‘hot topic’ e.g. TC concept, interventions Community services Triple P – positive parenting programme MPACT course 1:1 support and counselling for family members Older persons Befriending service NORCAS Young People’s Affected Others Service
Phoenix Plus Phoenix Plus Housing Phoenix Plus Community Engagement Phoenix Plus Education & Employability Phoenix Plus Family & Carers
Through The Gate (TTG) service Young Persons TTG serviceAdult TTG service year olds Pre-release support 3 way pre-release meeting Meet at the Gate service 3 months post-release support 100% offered, 70% uptake Focus on 7 pathways of reducing reoffending 46 accessed service since March 2015 Over 24’s 3 way pre-release meeting Meet at the Gate service 2 weeks support post-release Expansion January 2016 to include 3 months post-release support Pan-London and Essex Self-referral 68 accessed since April 2015 Coordinate average 25 TTG’s per month
Phoenix Plus Phoenix Plus Housing Phoenix Plus Community Engagement Phoenix Plus Education & Employability Phoenix Plus Family & Carers
Grace House First female-only residential, opened to address housing gap for women leaving Holloway with complex needs week programme, 10 bed spaces 4 phases to treatment 1 assignment per month: courage, faith, strength, acceptance, hope, freedom. Contact information: Charlotte Sharpe, Service Manager
Support needs of female offenders Domestic violence Sexual violence Forced marriage Sex-working Loss of children into social care Trafficking Eating disorders Low self-esteem/self-worth Self-harm
How Phoenix Futures (and partners) address these needs in the prison Awareness groups on self-harm, mental health topics, contraception, STI’s, affirmations, vignettes MBAT The SHINE Project Families in Recovery, AAM group, FA Referrals into other support teams e.g. psychological therapies, mental health, counselling, housing Thyme project (Women In Prison) Safer Sex Working programme
Safer sex working programme 4 day psychosocial intervention Self-referral or through a member of the team Hard-to-reach client group, don’t share those experiences in substance misuse groups but often impacts on their substance use and experiences of trauma Topics include: What kinds of sex work are there What are the emotions experienced by the service user Cycle of change to explore attitudes towards sex working Education around STI’s and Hepatitis, methods of contraception and how to use them (women's health) Ways to make sexual activities safer and how to reduce risks of contracting STI or getting pregnant, Setting boundaries with yourself and with a client (practice saying no to particular requests) Guest speaker to share their story
Domestic and sexual violence Thyme project – partnership with (Women In Prison) 6 week personal development group For women who have experienced gender-based violence Running since October 2013 Self-referral Based on the understanding that safety, trust and self-worth have been compromised Thyme self-help journal Power to Change New prison initiative, first programme currently running 6 weeks, 12 sessions of group work Self-referral Topics include: boundaries, grief and loss, coping with children in a violent relationship Any 1:1 support provided by TSP staff
Partnership working WIP (Thyme) Holloway hub – Phoenix Futures, Hibiscus, New Horizons, PACT, Working Chance, WIP The SHINE Project Fellowships CRC’s Probation, DIP, IOM, social work, aftercare services
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