Women Ambassador’s-network Novum Forum Tatjana Meijvogel-Volk November 2009
More women participation: Increase of legitimacy Increase of response Increase of outreach Increase of perspective
Sphere in Society Economy Government Civil Society Private sphere
Two projects: National level: Women Ambassador’s network: ‘ruling’; 2006 Local Level: Women Ambassador’s network in the Province of Brabant; 2009
Network ‘ruling’ Aim: to increase the representation of women in executive boards of civil society organizations, (semi-)govermental organizations, political parties. 14 Ambassadors (politics, media, education, sports, culture…) Levels: local, provincial, national, European.
The Ambassadors -Profile: figure-head, well known, possess influence and network -Conviction: ready to participate, content with the mission -Action: defines several action points which he/she will work on
Events Kick-off meeting (definition of goals) Follow-up meeting (measurement of achievements Final event (conference)
Messages 1. To the individual: it’s fun to rule! 2. To the organization: an diverse board is a more effective board! 3. To society: Diversity decreases the gap between citizens and politics/administration
Ambassador’s selection Gender Political affiliation Ethnicity
Examples of action points: Definition of code of conduct Lobbying for female positions in International organizations Organizing a Municipal Councils meeting with immigrant women Organizing a women’s brunch during an OSCE meeting in Washington…
Website Information on Ambassadors network (background, goals, participants Action-points of Ambassadors Comunication issues Agenda, contacts etc.
Background information Financed by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment Costs: approx Euro 1 projectmanager, 1 projectassistant Total project phase: 3 years Concrete Implementation phase: 1 year
Difficulties Important people do not have very much time! A lot of people on the top are ‘lonely fighters’ Ministry as co-operator…
Network Women Ambassadors in the province of Brabant Aim: to increase the representation of women in the Municipal Councils of Brabant (up to 30% by new election) 8 Ambassadors (100% female) from different parties en from different levels of local politics Profiles: municipal councillors, mayors etc.
Actions: Organization of row of events to inspire women for political work in the Municipal Council Interviews with female Municipal Councillors for website of Municipality and newspaper Opportunities to meet Municipal Councillors
Background information Financed by the IPP Activity-program Costs: approx Euro 1 projectmanager, 1 projectassistent Total phase: 1 year
The Chairman/-woman Key-figure Prominent Commited Own network
The project team Arranging of Ambassdor’s network (identifying, approaching, hiring of Ambassadors Organization of events Support of ambassadors Website PR and communication